Use Divine Breath rhythms for ultimate flourishment. You need to sit down and list what are the reasons for you not being able to achieve what you want. Determine the number one problem that you are presently facing. Check whether it falls in the Physical, Emotional or Mental realm. Follow the corresponding rhythm. With practice, you will become more and more in sync within and with the cosmic current outside. You will then be naturally ready for the abundance the Universe is ready to offer you.
We breathe from birth to death and yet we take it for granted. If it can give life, it can give you a lot more! Learn to use it for definite purpose. Breath is the vehicle of mind. The quality, stability and engineering of this vehicle decides the outcome of your efforts. We have to learn to use it. Our mind has the capacity to achieve a lot of things, but we often lose track of goals due to some or the other obstacle. Usually, there is no control on breath – it increase or decreases depending on what and how we are feeling at the moment. Breath involves two main parts – Inhalation (Fa) and Exhalation (Ma). Every purpose on Earth can be translated into the language of breath. The right ratio of breathing in and out has shown significant molecular and neurological changes in our body. You can use these changes for improving physical performance, focus and concentration in studies, bringing passion in relationships, accomplishing career goals or enhancing your spiritual growth.
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