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About Westward M

[Westward M] will be released in southeast Asia on November 24th. There are more resources and surprises waiting for you! Please keep on paying attention to our official fan page:

Westward M is adapted from the fight comic Journey to the West (Formerly known as West Journey), created by Hong Kong comic writers Zheng Jianhe and Deng Zhihui. With the original authorization, the game highly restores the comic story. Use the first angle of view to experience the passionate Journey to the West and start the most overturning legend of the journey to the West in history.

World after Journey to the West is over:
Sixteen years have passed after Tang Sanzang and his pupils got Eternal Fire and gave it to Heaven, they found that Journey to the West is Heaven's scheme! Now [Eternal Fire]'s whereabouts is a mystery, so Heaven sent an army to search for it and took Tianyu Mountain as the beginning. White Wolf tried his best to find Tang Sanzang and his pupils, and they stepped on the way to return the scripture. Then the most overturning legend of the Journey to the West in history starts from here...

=====Game Feature=====
▶▶ West Journey All Roles Included◀◀
Sun Wukong, Nyorai, Er Lang God, Nezha, Ox King, Senior Moral and so on. All the roles in Journey to the West are all included, come to collect them!

▶▶Winning Buddha Debut◀◀
God of War Sun Wukong and 100+ gods and demons of Journey to the West get in the battle and cooperate with each other for more tactic gameplay. Hero Bonding, Skill Combo, Exclusive Gear, Beast Capture, Lineup Restraint and unique Merge Skill can reverse the situation in crucial moment and dominate the three realms.

▶▶Immersive Experience◀◀
With the animation and comics, classic story + original story, you can witness all familiar popular roles with a brand new leading character. Chapters will gradually bring you to a new journey to the west.

▶▶Diversified PVP Gameplay◀◀
Create brand new Guild and lead Guild Members to conquer lands and plunder resources. Hot-blooded battle is on the verge of breaking out, and the legendary Guild will be born. Experience cross-server competitions and multi-server battles, use strategy to dominate the whole server.

- ➥ Facebook:◀◀

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Chris Beauchamp
good job
Moises, Wendel M.
Great Game Graphics
Gilbert Bagayawa
Nice game
sai htet ko
Not Bad
heaven boy
Nice game
Jer Parker