Explanation of Dinul Islam Main Review of the Basics of Islam
This Android application is an explanation of Dinul Islam, the main review of the basics of Islam. In Pdf format.
Through this short book, we try to make a real contribution to the people in explaining the teachings of the Islamic religion that we adhere to.
Islam is the only true religion, which will deliver its followers to the happiness of life, both in this world and in the afterlife. Allah SWT revealed that this religion is to be studied, embraced and practiced. Without learning the knowledge, no one can practice it.
Therefore the first step is to learn it. With knowledge, a person can raise his status before Allah SWT, in this world and in the afterlife. Among the verses that show the glory of knowledge and the seeker of knowledge are:
"Say (O Muhammad), are those who have knowledge and those who have no knowledge the same?" (QS. az-Zumar [39]: 9)
"Those who call on gods other than Him do not have intercession except those who testify with the truth and they know (knowledge)." (QS. az-Zukhruf [43]: 86).
"He gives details of (His) verses to those who know (knowledge)." (QS. Yunus [10]: 5).
"Allah will raise the rank of those who believe among you and those who have knowledge by several degrees." (QS. al-Mujadilah [58]: 11).
Many Muslims are not aware that if someone does not study Islam, his ignorance can lead him to disbelief. The scholars have agreed that one of the reasons for rejecting a person's Islam is ignorance of Islam, not studying it and not practicing it.
Hopefully the material content of this application can be useful for self-introspection and better improvement in everyday life.
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Happy reading.
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