Ramadhan Provisions - Tarawih and Witir by Muhammad Saiyid Mahadhir, Lc. M.Ag.
This Android application is an explanation of Ramadhan Provisions - Tarawih and Witr by Muhammad Saiyid Mahadhir, Lc. M.Ag. In Pdf format.
Among the specialties of the month of Ramadan is the month where the nights are filled with two very great sunnah prayers, namely the Tarawih and Witir sunnah prayers.
It's so great that there are some of us who sometimes have wrong priorities, for the sake of carrying out these two prayers, we are even willing to not perform the noon or asr prayers because we are busy saving energy by sleeping during the day, even though noon and asr are obligatory prayers which should take priority over sunnah prayers. .
Or there are many who deliberately pray Maghrib and Isyak at home so that they can focus on breaking the fast later after Isyak and then attend the congregation at the mosque. Even though this is legal in jurisprudence, in terms of priority it should still be the maximum priority for obligatory prayers.
The busy performance of these two prayers has even filled the existing mosques. Every existing mosque is also competing to attract the public's attention by presenting various religious cults and lectures, also deliberately bringing in imams with good recitations, not only that to attract attention. There are people who perform tarawih for 20 rakats and there are also those who only carry out tarawih for 8 rakats, and there are also mosques that deliberately spend reading one juz for one tarawih so that it is hoped that the last night of tarawih will be able to recite thirty juz of the Koran.
This small book was deliberately written at least to help explain these two sunnah prayers in more detail, both the technical and legal basis, as well as some mistakes among scholars regarding these two prayers, so that it is hoped that in addition to valid prayers, increasing knowledge about these two prayers will make Ramadan we are becoming more harmonious and peaceful, each can respect each other in the diversity that exists.
Of course, the author is aware that this book is still far from perfection, please add anything that is missing, anything wrong can be reminded, we all ask for forgiveness from Allah SWT, and from Him we also hope for all goodness. Amen.
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