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About Agama Kristen Kelas 2 Merdeka

This Android application is a Student Book and Teacher's Guidebook for Christian Religious and Character Education for Elementary School Class 2 Independent Curriculum. In Pdf format.

Christian Religious Education (PAK) is a complete learning process, not only cognitive learning, but also emotional learning. Students are guided through each learning process to know God, His work, and carry out His commands in life. PAK learning Christian religious education must be a process of self-transformation that leads to social transformation based on the word of God.

Teachers as educators are called to take responsibility for preparing individuals who understand God's will and care about others and the natural environment. Teachers are also responsible for helping students develop moral values. Teachers are God's right hand to walk together with students on a pilgrimage of faith towards God.

PAK learning outcomes consist of four elements, namely: God at Work, Humans and Christian Values, Church and Plural Society, and Nature and the Environment. Students will be guided to understand these four elements and be grateful for them through real actions in everyday life.

In particular, in the context of the Indonesian nation and state, teachers play a very important role in bringing students to understand diversity as a gift of understanding which is expected to be implemented in students' life practices that value and respect differences. This is one of the breaths of PAK learning.

This book is very open to improvements and improvements. Therefore, we invite readers to provide criticism, suggestions and input for improvements and improvements in the next edition. For this contribution, we thank you. Hopefully we can provide the best for the progress of the world of education in order to prepare the next generation of the Indonesian nation.

Hopefully this application can be useful and become a loyal friend in the teaching and learning process at all times.

Please give us reviews and input for the development of this application, give us a 5 star rating to encourage us to develop other useful applications.

Happy reading.


This Student Book or Teacher's Guide is a free book whose copyright is owned by the Ministry of Education and Culture and can be distributed to the public for free.

Material sourced from We help provide these learning resources but do not represent the Ministry of Education and Culture.

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