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About Agama Katolik Kelas 2 Merdeka

This Android application is a Student Book and Teacher's Guidebook for Catholic Religious Education and Character for Elementary / Grade 2 Independent Curriculum. In Pdf format.

Catholic religious education is not primarily a matter of knowing what is right or wrong. There is no point in knowing but not doing it, as St. James said: "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead" (James 2 :26).

Thus, learning is not just to know, but by learning a person grows and changes. Not just learning and changing, but also changing circumstances.

In the religious learning process, it is hoped that it will not only increase Catholic religious insight or knowledge, but also hone "religious skills" and realize students' religious attitudes. Of course, a complete and balanced religious attitude includes human relationships with their Creator and human relationships with each other and the surrounding environment.

To ensure this balance, religious lessons need to be given special emphasis related to manners or character education. The essence of character is a person's attitude or behavior in interacting with God, oneself, family, society, the nation and the natural environment.

This teacher's handbook for the Catholic Religious Education and Character Class II subjects was written in the spirit of national education and the spirit of Catholic education. Learning is designed using a catechesis pattern with the aim of students understanding, realizing and realizing their faith in their daily lives. Therefore religious knowledge is not the final result aimed at.

This understanding must be actualized in real actions and daily attitudes that are in accordance with the guidance of the teachings of the Catholic faith. For this reason, as a Religious Education book which refers to competency-based learning outcomes, with student-centered learning activities.

In it, a learning sequence is designed which is expressed in the activities that students need to carry out. Thus, this book guides what students and teachers must do to understand and implement the teachings of the Catholic religion in their daily lives.

Hopefully this application can be useful and become a loyal friend in the teaching and learning process at all times.

Please give us reviews and input for the development of this application, give us a 5 star rating to encourage us to develop other useful applications.

Happy reading.


This Student Book or Teacher's Guide is a free book whose copyright is owned by the Ministry of Education and Culture and can be distributed to the public for free.

Material sourced from We help provide these learning resources but do not represent the Ministry of Education and Culture.

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