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Mezgebe Tselot መዝገበ ጸሎት Screenshot 0
Mezgebe Tselot መዝገበ ጸሎት Screenshot 1
Mezgebe Tselot መዝገበ ጸሎት Screenshot 2
Mezgebe Tselot መዝገበ ጸሎት Screenshot 3
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About Mezgebe Tselot መዝገበ ጸሎት

• Material Design color schemes.
• Setting for Night mode and Day Mode

Multiple book collections
• Add two or more translations to the app.
• Multiple books of Ethiopian prayers

• User can configure the choice of translation and layout within the app.
• Allow swiping between books
• Book names could be displayed as list or grid views
• Supports single pane view, two pane view, and line by line view of up to three translations in a single pane.
• Turn on audio toolbar automatically when viewing Audio books

Fonts and Font Sizes
• You can change fonts sizes from toolbar or navigation menu.
• The app uses true type fonts for main view. you can include your own fonts too.

Text Copy and Share
• To copy a text to the device clipboard, tap on the text to select it. Then select the Copy button from the text selection toolbar.
• To share a text with someone else, tap on text to select it. You can choose to share by text message, email, WhatsApp, etc.

• Book contents are rearranged and missing parts included
• Colorful texts for the name of God, Jesus, St. Mary and Saints
• Notices and Orders in the book are written in italic for emphasis

Interface translations
• Added interface translations in English, Amharic and Afaan Oromoo.
• Changing the app Interface language will change menu item’s name.

Audio and Text Synchronization (future pro update)
• The phrases being read are highlighted and synchronized with the audio being heard.
• Added new user setting ‘Highlight synchronized phrases’ to allow user to turn on/off the yellow highlighting when the audio is playing.

• Powerful and fast search features
• Search the whole words and accents
• Number of search results displayed at the bottom of the page

Settings screen
• Allow the user of the app to configure the following settings:
• Book selection type: list or grid
• Red Letters: show the name of saints in red
• Show Verse numbers
• Text layout: Verses in paragraphs or One text per line.

Share App
• Added optional ‘Share App’ item in the app menu.
• Gives the app user the choice of:
• Sharing a link to the app on Google Play, or
• Sending the APK file to another phone via Bluetooth, Wifi transfer, email, etc.

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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What color schemes does Mezgebe Tselot use?

Mezgebe Tselot uses Material Design color schemes.

Can you add multiple translations and books to the app?

Yes, you can add two or more translations and multiple books of Ethiopian prayers to the app.

Is there a Night mode and Day mode setting?

Yes, Mezgebe Tselot has a setting for Night mode and Day mode.

Can users configure the choice of translation and layout within the app?

Yes, users can configure the choice of translation and layout within the app.

Can users swipe between books in Mezgebe Tselot?

Yes, Mezgebe Tselot allows swiping between books.

What font sizes can users choose from?

Users can change fonts sizes from toolbar or navigation menu in Mezgebe Tselot.

How can users copy and share text in Mezgebe Tselot?

Users can tap on text to select it, then select the Copy button from the text selection toolbar to copy text to the device clipboard. To share text with someone else, users can choose to share by text message, email, WhatsApp, etc.

Are book contents rearranged and missing parts included in Mezgebe Tselot?

Yes, book contents are rearranged and missing parts included in Mezgebe Tselot. Colorful texts for the name of God, Jesus, St. Mary and Saints. Notices and Orders in the book are written in italic for emphasis.

What interface translations are available in Mezgebe Tselot?

Mezgebe Tselot includes interface translations in English, Amharic and Afaan Oromoo.

Does Mezgebe Tselot have a powerful and fast search feature?

Yes, Mezgebe Tselot has a powerful and fast search feature. Users can search the whole words and accents, and the number of search results displayed at the bottom of the page.

What settings can be configured in the Settings screen of Mezgebe Tselot?

Mezgebe Tselot allows the user to configure the following settings: book selection type (list or grid), Red Letters (show the name of saints in red), Show Verse numbers, Text layout (verses in paragraphs or one text per line).

Can users share the Mezgebe Tselot app with others?

Yes, Mezgebe Tselot has an optional 'Share App' item in the app menu that allows users to share a link to the app on Google Play or send the APK file to another phone via Bluetooth, Wifi transfer, email, etc.

Does Mezgebe Tselot have Audio and Text Synchronization?

Audio and Text Synchronization is a future pro update for Mezgebe Tselot. The phrases being read are highlighted and synchronized with the audio being heard. The app will also have a new user setting 'Highlight synchronized phrases' which allows the user to turn on/off the yellow highlighting when the audio is playing.
ቅዱስ እግዚአብሔር የተመሰገነ ይሆን! በኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ : ተፅፎ የቀረበው: ይህ የፀሎት መፀሀፍ :በአቀራረቡ እና በይዘቶ : የተሟላላተ :ለእምንመናኑ መንፈሳዊ ቅድስናን:የሚሰጥ :የቅዱስ እግዚአበሔር ቃልን የምንማርበት: ከእርኩስ መናፍስት :ባርነት የምነወጣበት:ከአምላካችን ከቅድስት ሥላሴ :የመንገናኝበት:መንፈሳዊ መንገድ ...
Very neice
Zemene Merawi
Mahalet ከታገሱት ሁሉም ያልፋል assafa
God bless you!!! It's life changing app
Mulugeta Wubet
Servival of life
ናንሲ ኢትዮጲያ
ያቺ ብልጥ የትግራይ ልጅ