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StudySmarter - The study app for students & pupils Screenshot 1
StudySmarter - The study app for students & pupils Screenshot 2
StudySmarter - The study app for students & pupils Screenshot 3
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About StudySmarter - The study app for students & pupils


» More than 10 million shared flashcards
» More than 2.5 million shared summaries
» More than 2000 universities and schools
» Elected as the best educational start-up in Germany & Europe
» Works for every student & pupil, no matter what subject or degree


• Create flashcards and summaries on the Smartphone & Laptop
• Learn flashcards with the intelligent StudySmarter algorithm
• Access more than 10 million shared flashcards and summaries
• Track and compare your learning progress using artificial intelligence
• Get an individual learning plan with Smart Goals


+++ The study app for students and pupils+++

A learning platform for university and school. With StudySmarter you have everything you need to perfectly master all your exams. Your individual study plan, exercises with solutions & tips, PDF viewer, flashcards on your topics, summaries, learning with friends, statistics, tracking and even rewards for learning - all in one place and just one click away - StudySmarter.



+ Create flashcards on the Smartphone or Laptop
+ Create flashcards in record time directly from your content with the StudySmarter Magic Marker
+ Learn flashcards with the smart algorithm
+ Create flashcards alone or with your friends
+ Access more than 5 million shared flashcards
+ Learn with flashcards online & offline


+ Create summaries directly from your content with the StudySmarter Magic Marker
+ Share your summary with your friends
+ Access to more than 2 million shared summaries
+ Save 113 minutes rework per lecture / lesson
+ Always have your study materials and summaries with you


+ Set weekly learning goals
+ Track your learning progress
+ Get helpful graphics that illustrate your understanding
+ Get a weekly report on your learning progress


+ Share the learning effort with friends
+ Access flashcards and summaries of your fellow students
+ Be automatically matched with your fellow students
+ Join courses at your university and other universities
+ Find flashcards of your fellow students and import them into your flashcard set
+ Find summaries of your fellow students and add your own summary


+ Access learning materials from leading publishers and content providers
+ Learn with professionally created flashcards and summaries
+ Enjoy access to exclusive digital learning content


Learn wherever you want - with StudySmarter you have all your learning materials with you. Create your flashcards and summaries easily and quickly on your laptop or smartphone. StudySmarter synchronizes your learning materials in real time so you can review them on your smartphone on the way home from university / school or on the way to the exam.


If you like the app, tell us in the reviews what you especially love about StudySmarter!

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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is StudySmarter?

StudySmarter is a study app specifically designed for students and pupils. It is a learning platform that provides various features such as creating flashcards and summaries, tracking learning progress, accessing shared flashcards and summaries, and more.

How many shared flashcards are available on StudySmarter?

There are more than 10 million shared flashcards available on StudySmarter.

How many shared summaries are available on StudySmarter?

There are more than 2.5 million shared summaries available on StudySmarter.

How many universities and schools are supported by StudySmarter?

StudySmarter supports more than 2000 universities and schools.

Has StudySmarter received any awards?

Yes, StudySmarter has been elected as the best educational start-up in Germany & Europe.

Can StudySmarter be used for any subject or degree?

Yes, StudySmarter works for every student and pupil, regardless of the subject or degree they are studying.

What are the features of StudySmarter?

The features of StudySmarter include creating flashcards and summaries on smartphones and laptops, learning flashcards with an intelligent algorithm, accessing shared flashcards and summaries, tracking learning progress using artificial intelligence, and getting an individual learning plan with Smart Goals.

How can flashcards be created on StudySmarter?

Flashcards can be created on StudySmarter using the smartphone or laptop. There is also a StudySmarter Magic Marker feature that allows users to create flashcards directly from their content in record time.

Can flashcards be learned online and offline?

Yes, flashcards on StudySmarter can be learned both online and offline.

How can summaries be created on StudySmarter?

Summaries can be created directly from the user's content using the StudySmarter Magic Marker feature.

Can summaries be shared with friends on StudySmarter?

Yes, summaries can be shared with friends on StudySmarter.

Is there a learning plan and tracking feature on StudySmarter?

Yes, StudySmarter offers a learning plan and tracking feature. Users can set weekly learning goals, track their learning progress, and receive helpful graphics and a weekly report on their progress.

Are there study groups on StudySmarter?

Yes, StudySmarter has study groups where users can share the learning effort with friends, access flashcards and summaries of fellow students, join courses at their university and other universities, and find and import flashcards and summaries from other students.
it's very nice
Gabrielle Palubon
Best APP. But make the app completely offline
sarada kt
now with studygroups, awesome :)
Simon Hohentanner
Best app for Flashcard....
Milan Panchal
Best App for Studying. Love it!
Laura Klein
Totally satisfied with app. Thank you dev for this app....
Milan Panchal