Tens of thousands already use Musicboard to share their thoughts and opinions within music. We provide a platform where our evergrowing community can socialize around music and discuss all matters, small and big. With a combination of ratings, reviews and lists, their profile quickly become a central hub for their life in music.
- Discover new music in a whole new way. Find out what friends are loving and grow your passion with them.
- Browse a vast community of ratings for the worlds music, and expand your musical horizon.
- Log the music you listen to and quickly build up a profile representing your life in music.
Write reviews, rate music, and compile lists in the fastest growing social media for music.
We continuously build up a collected database of ratings for all the worlds music. Join the community to find what artists and albums are most beloved and help out with our your opinion.
Musicboard enables a fun way to log and track the new music you listen to. You are now able go back and remind your self of what you liked. Then share your great collection with friends.
Founded just recently in 2020, our vision is to provide the best possible platform for our users to share and grow their passion for music. It was founded on the belief that music is something very personal yet highly social, as the founders couldn't help but to discuss the details that makes Kanye West's Runaway so perfect.
Our Terms of Use is available at: https://musicboard.app/terms
For feedback on our app, let us know at: feedback@musicboard.app
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