New way to transform your values into actions in your daily life.
We believe you will greatly benefit from designing your own way to live your life and applying that constantly. We call it LifeSystem.
The elements of LifeSystem boils down into three key pieces:
1. Routines
2. Choices
3. Things that Matter
‣‣‣ Routines ‣‣‣
For many successful people, having a good morning routine is essential piece of their lives. For many, it involves mediation, jogging, yoga, reading or making a plan for the day. In either case, it consists of activities you think are important for the day and for yourselves.
LifeSystem supports creating scheduled routines and can remind you when it is time for them.
‣‣‣ Choices ‣‣‣
Every moment of our life is a choice: what to do right now? Normally we just "live our life" picking up things as they come. We eat when we feel hungry, we sleep, we go to work when it is to do so.
For example, when you hungry, how do you choose what to eat? Do you select among some healthy options consciously or just go and grab something to eat?
How could you become more in control of your choices? The answer is simple: you should ensure that they are made consciously. LifeSystem supports creating a personal "decision tree" that you can use to make conscious choices.
‣‣‣ Things that Matter ‣‣‣
Understanding what are your values helps to guide your life. Values are not an abstract concept - they are simply things that you believe in firmly, things you want make happen in your life.
Writing down the values can be just done on pen and paper - you do not need an app for that. However, we believe they are so important that LifeSystem helps to create collection things that matter to you and can help to schedule times to review them.
That's not all! Premium version provides you with all the tools you need to keep your daily life go as planned.
√ Unlimited routines
√ Unlimited decision tree
√ Unlimited collections
√ Unlimited reminders
√ First-in-line support
√ Enhanced Statistics
While we cannot promise to add every feature you request we welcome all your ideas, feedback and suggestions :)
Let us know how we can improve LifeSystem to suit you better at:
Email: [email protected]
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