Want to ace your interview process? The "Placement Preparation" app is your ultimate solution.
Our comprehensive curriculum ranges from beginner to advanced level, catering to users of all skill levels.
Enhance your skills with our diverse practice questions, video lectures, and reading materials. And with our test feature, you will be fully prepared for your next interview.
Key Features:
1) Video Lectures (right now in Gujarati language)
2) Material
3) Practice problems with solution
4) Test with different difficulty levels (Easy, Medium, Hard)
Topics covered in this version:
1) Aptitude
a. Problems on Train
b. Permutation & Combination
c. Probability
d. Time & Work
e. Percentage
f. Ratio & Proportion
g. Average
h. Mensuration
i. Mixture & Alligation
j. Simplification
2) Reasoning
a. Number Series
b. Coding & Decoding
c. Direction Sense
d. Problems on Age
e. Blood Relation
f. Calendar
Next version updates:
1) Video lectures (Hindi/English)
2) Practice Programs on Programming languages (C/Java/Python) with solution
3) Programming test with different difficulty levels
4) Test on Individual topics of Aptitude and Reasoning
Download "Placement Preparation" now and start preparing for your dream job!
All the best!!
This App is developed at ASWDC by Jay Mansuriya (190540107131), a final year Computer Engineering Students.
ASWDC is Apps, Software, and Website Development Center @ Darshan University, Rajkot run by students & staff of Computer Science and Engineering Department.
Call us: +91-97277-47317
Write to us: aswdc@darshan.ac.in
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