Periodic Table of Chemical Elements-Atomic Mass, Chemical Element Images / Facts
Periodic Table is an app that shows the arrangement of chemical elements. Chemical Elements are ordered by their atomic number, electron configuration, and recurring properties. The app show elements with similar behavior in the same column. Here the row represents periods of elements while the columns represent groups. All elements from atomic number 1 to 118 with their properties are available. The app covers all the
1) Metals - Post-transition Metals, Transition Metals, Lanthanoids, Actinoids, Alkaline Earth Metals, Alkali Metals
2) Non Metals - Noble Gases, Other nonmetals
and Metalloids with proper understanding
Key features of the app:
» Simple and Easy to use UI
» Chemical elements and its Image
» Details of chemical elements include:
- Atomic Number
- Atomic Mass
- Latin Name
- English Name
- Discovery Year
- Atomic Weight
- Density
- Melting Point
- Boiling Point
- Electron Configuration
- Oxidation States
- Ion Charges
- Atomic Radius
» Share - You can refer this app to your family and friends using Social Media.
This App is developed at ASWDC by Sagar Adhikari (150540107089), a 6th Sem CE Student. ASWDC is Apps, Software, and Website Development Center @ Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajkot run by Students & Staff of Computer Engineering Department
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