Tea Diary for Seller-An app to keep a record of daily tea purchased by customers
Tea Diary for Seller is an app that lets you maintain a record of tea sold from tea stalls/seller/Chai Wala. With Tea Diary for Seller, you can store data of your customers. You can have various products purchased by your customers, flexibility to generate bill day wise, week wise or month wise of all the customers you have added. It helps you generate a bill of total milk, tea, coffee or bournvita you sold during given time period. Here you can add as many items you want, that is sold by you. You will be able to change the cost of items added for a particular seller. Believe us, maintaining your tea diary was never this easy!
Tea Diary for Seller is FREE and easy to use app with following features:
» Add Customer
Here you will fill details of customer like Name, Mobile Number, Address.
» Add Items provided by you to customers
Add items like milk, tea, coffee, bournvita sold by you.
» Add the cost of each item
You can add the cost of each item. You can even edit cost at the time of ordering items.
» Keep a record of the newly placed order
Tea Diary for Seller provides a very user-friendly interface to keep track of your daily tea consumption records. You can view each record weekly, monthly, or yearly.
» Generate Bill
It is very easy to generate a bill for each customer you have added.
» View Bill History
You can view paid bill history with a single click.
» Share with your friends
With a single click, you can share this app with your family and friends with the help of social media.
This App is developed at ASWDC by Drashti Maniyar (130540107057), a 7th Sem CE Student. ASWDC is Apps, Software, and Website Development Center @ Darshan University, Rajkot run by students & staff of Computer Science and Engineering Department.
Call us: +91-97277-47317
Write to us: aswdc@darshan.ac.in
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