IELTS Band Score Calculator - Band Score and Reverse Band Score Calculator
IELTS Band Score Calculator app helps you calculate your band score based on the IELTS test results. Select Exam Type from the available options as Academic Training or General Training. Overall Score is based on marks scored in listening, reading, writing, and speaking test.
Note: Raw Score to Band Score is calculated in a different way for IELTS Academic Reading and General Training Reading.
IELTS Overall Band Score is calculated between 0 to 9 Bands. The score is rounded up or down to the next half or whole Band. Listening Test module comprises of 40 questions each worth 1 point in the raw score. Reading test comprises of 40 questions each worth 1 point in the raw score. Writing test comprises of two tasks. These tasks are evaluated using IELTS Writing Assessment Criteria to provide a Band Score to each of the criteria. Speaking test is a face-to-face interview between the test taker and the examiner. It is scored using the IELTS Speaking Assessment Criteria for each of the criteria.
Key features include:
» Calculate Band Score from Marks Secured
» Reverse Band Score Calculation
Based on the proficiency in the listening test, reading test, writing test or speaking test you can find your overall score
» Easy and Interactive UI
» Change exam type – From general training to academic training or vice versa
» You can share the app with your friends and family members
This App is developed at ASWDC by Swati Sharma, faculty in Computer Engineering Department. ASWDC is Apps, Software, and Website Development Center @ Darshan University, Rajkot run by students & staff of Computer Science and Engineering Department.
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