Test for autistic signs with tracking dynamics. Autistic spectrum disorder test
Check a person with Autism Spectrum Disorder (or someone you think has ASD).
If a person is younger than 2 years old, the test is irrelevant. You shouldn't expect a six-month-old baby to "Can use sentences with 4 or more words", for instance.
This test contains 4 chapters:
I. Speech / Language / Communication
II. Sociability
III. Sensory / Cognitive Awareness
IV. Health / Physical / Behavior
It basically provides several subscale scores as well as a total score to be used for comparison at a later date.
Generally, the lower the score, the fewer the problems.
You can pass the checklist regularly and compare the results via the graph to track dynamics. App results will be more reliable if several persons contacting with a child with ASD will pass the checklist for one day. It gives average scores per day to compare later.
Important! The ATEC is not a medical diagnostic checklist to prove if someone has ASD. Contact specialists in your city for an accurate diagnosis if you have more than 15-20 scores.
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