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About Maps - Navigate & Explore

Navigate your world faster and easier with Google Maps. Over 220 countries and territories mapped and hundreds of millions of businesses and places on the map. Get real-time GPS navigation, traffic, and transit info, and explore local neighborhoods by knowing where to eat, drink and go - no matter what part of the world you’re in.

Get there faster with real-time updates
• Beat traffic with real-time ETAs and traffic conditions
• Catch your bus, train, or ride-share with real-time transit info
• Save time with automatic rerouting based on live traffic, incidents, and road closures

Discover places and explore like a local
• Discover local restaurant, events, and activities that matter to you
• Know what’s trending and new places that are opening in the areas you care about
• Decide more confidently with “Your match,” a number on how likely you are to like a place
• Group planning made easy. Share a shortlist of options and vote in real-time
• Create lists of your favorite places and share with friends
• Follow must-try places recommended by local experts, Google, and publishers
• Review places you’ve visited. Add photos, missing roads and places.

More experiences on Google Maps
• Offline maps to search and navigate without an internet connection
• Street View and indoor imagery for restaurants, shops, museums and more
• Indoor maps to quickly find your way inside big places like airports, malls and stadiums

* Some features not available in all countries

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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What can Google Maps do?

Google Maps can help you navigate your world faster and easier. It offers real-time GPS navigation, traffic, and transit info, and lets you explore local neighborhoods by knowing where to eat, drink, and go - no matter what part of the world you’re in.

Can Google Maps help me avoid traffic?

Yes, Google Maps can help you avoid traffic with real-time ETAs and traffic conditions. It also offers automatic rerouting based on live traffic, incidents, and road closures.

Can Google Maps help me find new places to try?

Yes, Google Maps can help you discover new places to try. It offers local restaurant recommendations, events, and activities that matter to you. You can also follow must-try places recommended by local experts, Google, and publishers.

Can I use Google Maps offline?

Yes, you can use Google Maps offline with offline maps to search and navigate without an internet connection.

Does Google Maps have indoor maps?

Yes, Google Maps has indoor maps for places like airports, malls, and stadiums. It also offers street view and indoor imagery for restaurants, shops, museums, and more.

Are all features available in all countries?

No, some features may not be available in all countries.
Very nice
Waseem Idreesi
Wao Nice app for directions
Good App
raja kumar
Groovy I know my city but the app helps me get around faster
Darkstargalaxy _
Good work
md nurul islam Babu
Isabel Estoon