ClinicCoach is a digital patient companion who provides information, motivation and support throughout the entire hospital stay, from admission to discharge.
further information at
Main functions
Admission to hospital:
Information and tips on topics such as contact persons, patient rights, diagnostics and medication, finding a clinic, organization and the hospital bag checklist
In the hospital:
FAQs about the hospital stay, such as the process in the clinic, rounds, anxiety reduction and prevention, diary and note functions
Help and tips for aftercare and the transition to everyday life at home, e.g. B. digital helpers, e-prescriptions, ordering aids and discharge letters
Additionally, this hospital guide offers:
• Community: network with other patients
• Expert chat: exchange with experts, such as patient and social associations
• Addresses to self-help groups: Directory of self-help groups and contact persons
This patient journey app is a valuable travel guide and hospital guide for patients and their relatives to make their hospital stay as pleasant and smooth as possible.
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