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▮ Special Events to celebrate the launch ▮
- Select and obtain one 3 star hero via Start Dash!
- Obtain one additional 3 star hero by completing Guide Quest!
- Participate in various events to receive in-game rewards!

▮ Strategic Battles ▮
Challenge your abilities in strategy-based combat!
Turn the tide of the battle with your brilliant move!

▮ Dynamic Action ▮
Experience unparalleled action with an array of different compositions and
a variety of combo attacks to unleash on your enemies!

▮ Stunning 3D-Artwork ▮
A gaming experience elevated with fully rendered 3D graphics and
eye-catching visuals that make you feel like you're part of the action!

▮ Dazzling Cutscenes ▮
Be dazzled by the unique combat skills of every character and
immerse yourself in the colorful and exciting cutscenes!

▮ Epic Stories ▮
A masterpiece ready to be explored.
Embark on an adventure in an otherworldly kingdom.

▮ Rampaging Bosses ▮
Take on the 'Special Request' mode and
defeat the rampaging bosses to claim your rewards!

⁜⁜ Communities ⁜⁜
Official Community Page

Official Discord

Official Facebook

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整說明在遙遠的未來,人類發現了擁有遠超當前科技水準的巨大遺跡設施,這些巨大的遺跡被命名為“巴別塔”,此後更多的 “塔”陸陸續續被人類發現。——就這樣,人類迎來了名為進化的大變革,改造人、量子裝甲、騎士種種概念應運而生,開啟了前所未有的新時代。◆機甲史上 最強聯動《Code Geass 反叛的魯路修》x《終末陣線:伊諾貝塔》重磅聯動!最強機甲的強強聯手,打造最酷炫的機甲戰鬥新體驗!◆機甲射擊 暢快體驗超爽快3D機甲射擊戰鬥,簡單操作易上手!駕駛你的機甲在槍林彈雨中熱血射擊!完美避閃!◆自定義機甲塗裝超過 30 種原創機甲隨心改裝,打造指揮官的夢幻機設!「工藝質感3D渲染技術」高精度還原機甲每一吋細節在機甲戰爭的烽火連天中,成為最耀眼的存在!◆多樣化機甲 組合開戰怒火飛彈、高能噴射、精密護盾、攻守兼備……策略搭配多樣化機甲發揮指揮官的本領,自由組合屬於你的最強機甲戰隊在即時戰鬥中靈活駕駛機甲們,衝破敵陣!◆少女x機甲 末日邂逅傾心打造近百位機甲少女獨特的個性與能力全角色獨立設計機甲,從戰鬥能力訂製到情感互動解鎖羈絆故事Live 2D超真實末日邂逅,與少女的故事就此展開!◆ 百萬字豐富劇情與超豪華聲優陣容基地、帝國、戰爭、煙火······上百萬字豐富劇情,譜寫人類與機甲的命運。日本歌姬May'n與水瀨祈,悠木碧,釘宮理惠聯手助力!打造指揮官們沉浸式的末世體驗■本遊戲內容涉及性、暴力、遊戲角色穿著凸顯性特徵之服飾或裝扮但不涉及性暗示,依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔15級,15歲以上之人始得使用■本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務■長時間進行遊戲時,請注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲■本遊戲由魔塊遊戲有限公司代理...

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What special events are there to celebrate the launch of Outerplane?

You can select and obtain one 3-star hero via Start Dash, obtain one additional 3-star hero by completing Guide Quest, and participate in various events to receive in-game rewards!

What can I expect from the strategic battles in Outerplane?

Outerplane offers strategy-based combat where you can challenge your abilities and turn the tide of the battle with your brilliant moves.

How is the action in Outerplane?

The action in Outerplane is dynamic and unparalleled. You can experience an array of different compositions and unleash a variety of combo attacks on your enemies.

How is the artwork in Outerplane?

Outerplane features stunning 3D artwork that elevates your gaming experience. The fully rendered 3D graphics and eye-catching visuals make you feel like you're part of the action.

Are there any cutscenes in Outerplane?

Yes, Outerplane offers dazzling cutscenes. You can be dazzled by the unique combat skills of every character and immerse yourself in the colorful and exciting cutscenes.

What kind of stories can I expect in Outerplane?

Outerplane offers epic stories waiting to be explored. You can embark on an adventure in an otherworldly kingdom.

How can I challenge rampaging bosses in Outerplane?

In Outerplane, you can take on the 'Special Request' mode and defeat the rampaging bosses to claim your rewards.

Where can I find the official community page and social media accounts for Outerplane?

You can find the official community page at, join the official Discord at, and follow the official Facebook page at