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About Iron Saga – Battle Mech

Are you ready to start your career as a mech pilot in the BEST Mecha Battle RPG you always imagined?
Dynamic combat, breathtaking animations, and riveting stories are waiting for you!

◆ Over 500 beautifully animated humanoid mecha available
◆ Over 150 gorgeously-drawn characters with themed skins
◆ Form a battle setup that is yours and yours alone from 100,000+ combinations
◆ Experience the immersive mecha world with a heart-pounding story
◆ Actively pilot your mech dodging oncoming attacks and firing freely
◆ Rewarding friends system - greet friends daily to earn bonus rewards and challenge them!
◆ Multiple game modes including guessing arena, combat simulation, amazing race, card games, and corps conflict
◆ World-renown composer, anime director, character designer, and voice actors await you!

The world was once engulfed in a sea of flames caused by twelve battle mechas, later called the ‘Grand Gods’.
Fast forward centuries, and the war is but a legend forgotten by time – it is a memory that humanity can barely recall. But then, the emergence of "Battle Mechs" suddenly jolts the entire world awake. Forces of all manner and kind conspire in the shadows, all eager to lay their hands on this world-destroying technology – and they will rekindle the fires of war among the world’s armies, mercenaries and bounty hunters to get it.
Meanwhile, ACE pilots from all over the world are scrambling to assemble. The legend of the Battle Mecha begins now! Ace commanders, assemble!

Bursting with love for Iron Saga? Don’t hesitate to follow us!
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We would love to hear from you! Contact us at [email protected]

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機動戰隊 Iron Saga - 繁體版

機動戰隊 Iron Saga - 繁體版


次元連結系統啟動⊃天⊂!人氣機甲漫畫/動畫作品《冥王計劃志雷馬》聯動開跑!登入遊戲即可獲得最多30抽!參與活動即可獲得聯動機體【天之志雷馬】【鐵甲龍 (黑龍)】【雷之歐姆札克】等帥氣高人氣機甲!同時【秋津正人】【冰室美久】等機師一同參戰!【幽羅帝】以及【秋津正樹】等腳色也將在劇情登場! 超級機器人大戰作品《機動戰隊 Iron Saga》特邀請日本知名音樂人【澤野弘之】擔當OP、ED、BGM配樂,著名動畫導演、機械設計師【大張正己】擔當機設與PV動畫監督。彙集中日韓著名畫師與知名聲優,超500種機甲&角色,超過十萬種戰鬥策略組合,百變遊戲模式,流暢的戰鬥體驗和炫麗的技能特效,美少女X機甲搭配,只為帶給你最獨有的機戰滿足感!【業界頂級大師 原創機甲IP】用誠意做遊戲,用心做音樂。我們特別邀請了知名作曲家、編曲家【澤野弘之】先生(代表作: 機動戰士鋼彈UC、罪惡王冠、進擊的巨人等)擔當OP、ED、BGM配樂。著名動畫師、動畫監督、機械設定師【大張正己】(代表作: 弾劾凰,超級機器人大戰,鋼彈創鬥者系列,機動戰士鋼彈 鐵血孤兒等動畫)擔當機甲設計與以及PV動畫監督。【獨一無二操作 戰鬥即時演算】擁有獨家即時戰鬥系統,隨心所欲進行指尖上的戰鬥! 從細微慣性系統到爽快全彈射擊,從規避致命傷害到予測敵方致命一擊,讓指揮官們仿佛置身瞬息萬變的戰場,你可以帶領小隊策略戰鬥,也可以自己單打獨鬥,靈活的操作給你不一樣的戰鬥體驗!【人機隨意組合 超越萬種可能】打破慣性思維!超過500種機甲&角色自由組合。各種酷炫的人型機甲、立繪皮膚多樣的角色機師搭配上陣,使戰鬥效果千差萬別。擁有超過十萬種可能的組合方案!宮殿、堡壘、荒漠、大海……各種戰鬥場景根據劇情無縫切換,攻城拔寨、摧枯拉朽,感受戰爭的殘酷和激情!...




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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is Iron Saga – Battle Mech?

Iron Saga – Battle Mech is a Mecha Battle RPG game that allows players to become mech pilots and experience dynamic combat, breathtaking animations, and riveting stories.

How many mecha options are available in the game?

The game offers over 500 beautifully animated humanoid mecha to choose from.

How many characters can players find in Iron Saga – Battle Mech?

There are over 150 gorgeously-drawn characters with themed skins in the game.

Can players customize their battle setup in the game?

Yes, players can form a battle setup that is unique to them with over 100,000 combinations available.

Is there an immersive mecha world with a story in the game?

Yes, players can experience the immersive mecha world with a heart-pounding story.

Can players actively pilot their mech in the game?

Absolutely, players can actively pilot their mech, dodging oncoming attacks and firing freely.

Does the game have a friends system?

Yes, the game has a rewarding friends system where players can greet friends daily to earn bonus rewards and challenge them.

What are some of the game modes available in Iron Saga – Battle Mech?

The game offers multiple game modes including guessing arena, combat simulation, amazing race, card games, and corps conflict.

Who are some of the world-renowned artists involved in the game?

The game features a world-renown composer, anime director, character designer, and voice actors.

How can players stay updated about Iron Saga – Battle Mech?

Players can follow the game on its official website, Twitter, Facebook, Discord, and Instagram for the latest updates.

How can players contact the Iron Saga – Battle Mech team?

Players can contact the team by sending an email to [email protected].
Well-polished game. Nice character skins, fun gameplay, extremely beautiful artwork for mecha images. Not to mention the list of awesomely-composed soundtracks available for change at the menu which helps yo...
Game is simple, not time consuming, yet rewards planning.
Julius Kuah
I hope auto retry for AFK farming so i can still grinding while busy
Nugroho Yunanto
Very fun game for mecha fans ! Definitely playable for f2p since alot of mechs are farmable, and events do get rerun often.
Tatsuya Tainaka
Kokoro Hana new event quest is released! Super robot Gouraiga makes its debut! This is a mecha anime game with real time top down mecha combat. It even has waifus and husbandos. Great game! Try to finish the...
Akatsuki Wolf
Very generous devs giving away free stuff all the time I say 5/5 to this game. My only complaint is the buggy comment section.
lance Galos