QR & Barcode Scanner app is the best and fastest QR & Barcode Scanner app out there. Our QR & Barcode Scanner is an essential app for every Android device. It is a scanner that decodes and encodes information from a QR code or a Barcode.
By only using your cell phone, you can read the information behind the square code of a QR and Barcode in just seconds.
This QR & Barcode Scanner app can scan and read all QR code types including text, URL, ISBN, contact, calendar, email, location, Wi-Fi, Social Media Accounts, events, and many other formats.
It can also be used to scan product barcodes in shops and compare prices with online prices to save money. Other than that, you can also scan coupon codes.
QR & Barcode Scanner app is really easy to use it :
1. Open the application.
2. Click Scan.
3. Point the camera to QR or Barcode that you want to scan.
4. This QR & Barcode Scanner app will automatically recognize any QR and Barcode. While scanning the QR or Barcode, it will provide you with any information that is contained in the QR or Barcode.
Features of QR code reader
- Easily scan QR code and generate code
- Powerful QR decode speed
- QR code generator allows you to encrypt personal information, create codes for messages, wifi, phone numbers, location and share with friends.
- Generate QR code for a piece of text, a weblink
- Generate code for the directions map where you will go and share it with everyone.
- Barcode Scanner allows you to view any product information by QR or Barcode at stores and supermarkets.
- Enables to share information from QR and Barcodes.
A must-have QR & Barcode Scanner for Android! Download today!
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