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About Archangels And Angel Prayers

Many of us are struggling in life and are in a spiritual battle. Know that we are not alone. We have the help of God's mighty Archangels and Holy Angels.

Our Late Great Pope Saint John Paul 2nd said this; I have a particular devotion to My Guardian Angel, I have prayed to him since my childhood. My Guardian Angel knows, what I do, and my faith in his presence and care is Deep. St Michael the Archangel St Gabriel and St Raphael, are those angels I often call for in my prayers.

Because angels belong to the spiritual world, we could not know about them were it not for God's revelation in scripture. When we look there, it is obvious that angels were a vital part of God's designs, God created angelic spirits to communicate the divine plan to humans.

The word "Angel" comes from the Greek "aggelos", which stems from the Hebrew word "mal'ak", meaning 'messenger'. Too often, angels have been taken for granted.

Angels, like saints, are honored, not adored and they are a Dogma of Catholic Faith; you cannot be a Catholic if you do not believe in the existence of angels.

Angels have a very big role in the Bible and in our history. Angels act as intermediaries between Heaven and humanity. How the angels carry out the will of God is demonstrated in the many angel visitations, chance encounters, and blessed marvels they performed.
Angel greeted, visited, accompanied, led, protected, fed, fought, sang and above all praised God. They performed marvelous feats to prove that the work of God surpassed in greatness humankind's expectations.

The purpose of all of the angels is to serve God, praise God, worship God, and pray to God. In the process of serving God, they also protect us, pray for us, inspire us, encourage us, and guide us during our journey on Earth. There is not a Christian living in faith today who does Not have his angel.

"Angel of God" is a Roman Catholic traditional prayer for the intercession of the guardian angel, often taught to young children as the first prayer. It serves as a reminder of God's love, and by enjoining the guardian angel to support the child in a loving way.

Our Guardian Angels are assigned by God to every human being at the moment of our conception. They deliver our prayers to God and return with God’s answers. Our Guardian Angels love us and do everything within God’s Will to protect us from harm. Angels also pray for us.

The Holy Bible tells us that there are seven special Angels. Three of them we know by name :

Saint Michael, Who is like God,
Saint Gabriel, God is Strength
and Saint Raphael, God Heals

As of Council of Rome in 745 under the reign of Pope Saint Zachary, the Catholic Church officially only acknowledges the names of three of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael because they are the only ones mentioned by name in the Bible.

In addition to specific names, angels are also ranked according to 'class'. The two highest classes of angels, seraphs (or seraphim) and cherubs (or cherubim) are cited in several Old Testament texts.

The Holy Bible does not give us an account of how many Angels there are. We only know they are innumerable.

Our Archangels And Angel Prayers app features :
- Prayers
- The Litany of The Holy Angels
- The Chaplet Of The Holy Angels
- Novenas

It is :
- Free
- Easy interface
- Applicable to all android users
- Applicable for offline usage

It is built to give you the tool to pray to our mighty Archangels and Angels. May it helps you in strengthening you in your daily spiritual journey. Contact with angels is extremely necessary and useful in our spiritual life, let none of us miss out on the presence of Holy Angels in our spiritual life.

IT is VITAL TODAY to Pray to all the Angels and Saints in Heaven and the whole Heavenly Host and all the Holy Souls in purgatory to PRAY for us, to Intercede for us, to help us, and to guide us all through these difficult times as Evil is becoming the uncontested dominator on Earth.

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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is the role of angels in Christianity?

Angels serve God, protect us, pray for us, inspire us, encourage us, and guide us during our journey on Earth.

Are angels mentioned in the Bible?

Yes, angels are mentioned in the Bible and play a significant role in biblical events.

How many archangels are officially acknowledged by the Catholic Church?

The Catholic Church officially acknowledges three archangels: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael.

What is the purpose of praying to angels?

Praying to angels serves as a means to communicate with God and seek their intercession and protection.

Is there a specific prayer for guardian angels?

Yes, "Angel of God" is a traditional prayer in the Catholic Church for the intercession of the guardian angel.

How many angels are there according to the Bible?

The Bible does not provide an exact number of angels, but it is stated that they are innumerable.

What features does the Archangels and Angel Prayers app have?

The app includes prayers, the Litany of The Holy Angels, the Chaplet Of The Holy Angels, and novenas.

Is the Archangels and Angel Prayers app free?

Yes, the app is free to use and is applicable to all Android users.

Can the Archangels and Angel Prayers app be used offline?

Yes, the app can be used offline, allowing users to access prayers and resources without an internet connection.

Why is it important to pray to angels in our spiritual life?

Contact with angels is vital and useful in our spiritual life, helping us strengthen our faith and seek guidance from the heavenly realm.
I,m very greatfull to know this apps because as a leader of a spritual group it is very helpull. Thanks.
Gemma Ouyoumb
blandine tiako
Just got it... Still haven't checked it out yet. But am hoping it's really real cuz if like to improve my conscience contact with my higher power and his soldier's.
Allonabytch 72
Tian Jorgenson
Lovely prayers
Sean Leonard
Excllent apps
Stephen Pinto