Shop curated product drops and read the latest behind our sneakers and collabs.
CONFIRMED is your home for the best of adidas Originals. Be the first to access curated collections and explore the stories behind the Three Stripes. Get the inside connect with the adidas community.
Offering only a curated selection of exclusive collaborations and new sneakers, CONFIRMED is the destination to shop the best of adidas. Escape the bots and confidently get your hands on the most premium drops and kicks.
- Stay up to date with alerts for the latest men's sneakers and women's sneakers
- Discover a fast, fair, secure way to shop sneakers
- Buy sneakers and hype apparel, track your orders, and view purchase history all in the app
CONFIRMED will be the home for original editorial that explores the adidas world deeper than ever before. From exclusive interviews with emerging tastemakers to retro deep-dives inside the archive to news about the next releases — the platform will give insider access to the creative vision behind the latest exclusive sneakers, hype drops and stories from the Originals community.
Meet the friends and family behind adidas on CONFIRMED. With our partners in music, fashion, art and streetwear, this is the place where the conversation happens and the inspiration comes to light.
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