*** ARTE: Discover a selection of ARTE programmes available in your language ***
Compatible with Chromecast
All of ARTE in a single app
Check out your favourite categories to stream:
- History
- Discovery
- ARTE Concert
- Culture
- Cinema
- Politics and society
The best of ARTE programming sorted into handy themed playlists. Watch what you want, when you want, on the device of your choice.
Choose the language of the video directly from within the player. Your options are: French, German, English, Spanish and Polish. You can change the language of the app within the setting menu.
Become a member of My ARTE to create your favourites list and receive our newsletter
Experience ARTE 360 http://sites.arte.tv/360/en
Help us to improve! If you have any suggestions, write to us: https://www.arte.tv/question/?lang=en"
For legal reasons, this video is geoblocked. Some of our content in English is not available to view outside of Europe.
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