Offline available dictionary with diverse video examples for easy memorization
「VoiceTube Dictionary 」is an offline available English-Chinese dictionary with pronunciation assistance and word form explanations. The AI data analysis technology along with VoiceTube’s exclusive “video example sentence” feature can help strengthen your memory. Learn the comprehensive usage of each word the fastest and easiest way!
【 Special Features】
► Word of the Day
- Keywords are renewed daily with video examples to teach you their authentic usage.
- Lessons designed by professional editors for comprehensive learning.
► AI Data Analysis Extended Vocabulary Learning
- Through AI data analysis, related words are recommended to you for vocabulary expansion and understanding.
- AI technology acquisition to generate words for extended learning.
► Video Examples to Help Master Vocabulary Faster
- Various video categories with Chinese and English subtitles to help you understand language usage.
- Repeat the example sentence for pronunciation mastery.
► Phonetics Shown to Teach Correct Pronunciation
- We provide both British and American pronunciation examples to help you sound like a native speaker.
- Oral playback feature for vocabulary available offline allows you to learn anytime, anywhere.
► Save Words to Your List
- Save the searched vocabulary on your VoiceTube app and on the website.
- searched and saved vocabulary won't get deleted from the Hero app.
► Cross Device Synchronization
- Install the VoiceTube Video Dictionary Chrome Extension and sync up all the searched vocabulary.
- All searched words from VoiceTube's different product lines can be synced to the VoiceTube Video Dictionary app.
With over 4 million users around the world, VoiceTube is a popular...
「VoiceTube Dictionary 」is an offline available English-Chinese dictionary with pronunciation assistance and...
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