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About Text Utilities Pro

Text Utilities Pro is collection of a bunch of utilities, mostly useful to manipulate text files. This tools are not found in usual text editor. This app contains:

Multi Replace: Tons of replacement in single click.
Reverse Text: Arrange text in reverse order.
Calculate MD5: Get md5 hash of text or each line.
AES Encryption: Secure Encryption for your text.
Incremental Find-Replace: find numbers and replace at once.
Base64: Encode or Decode text to base64.
URL Escaping: Escape or Unescape URL.
URI Escaping: Escape or Unescape URI.
Convert Case: Convert text case to upper case, lower case, proper case, camel case, sentence case, toggle case.
Trim text (Remove unwanted spaces).
Remove Empty lines: Remove all empty lines and lines containing empty characters.
Split file by character: Split text files delimited by special character or text.
Split file by character count: Split text files by size (number of characters in a part).
Split file by line count: Split text files by number of lines.
Concatenate files: Marge two or more text file in one.
Compare: View comparison of two text files and compare the differences.

See help menu for details.

If you have any suggestions or bug report, please contact us at
[email protected]

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