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About Grocery Shopping List Simple

A shopping list application that displays two rows of shopping lists for each tag.
By dividing the list by tags (sales area) and making it easy to see, you will not have to go back and forth between sales areas when shopping.
We have made it as simple as possible so that you can keep track of your purchases as easily as possible!
You can check your shopping list by tags on one screen, so you don't forget anything.

Deleting items from your shopping list is just one tap!
You can also edit tags, so you can use it for more than just shopping!
Using predictive words, you can add the same item to your shopping list multiple times with a single tap.

■ Features
- Displays shopping lists in two rows
- Colorful tags make shopping lists easy to read
- Delete all checked shopping lists with the delete button
- Tags can be freely changed
- Font size can be changed (4 levels)
- Dark mode function available!
- Add 1 tap with predicted words (from past shopping lists)

【List of Functions】
Create a shopping list
Check tags and input items to be bought.
Check the tags and input the items you want to buy.
Delete unwanted shopping lists with the Trash button.
Add, edit, and delete tags
Sorting tags
Predictive display based on keywords
Dark mode
Switch between predictive display and non-display
Change text size
Switching behavior when the delete button is tapped

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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is Grocery Shopping List Simple?

Grocery Shopping List Simple is a shopping list application that displays two rows of shopping lists for each tag, making it easy to organize and keep track of your purchases.

How does Grocery Shopping List Simple help with grocery shopping?

By dividing the list by tags (sales area) and making it easy to see, you can avoid going back and forth between sales areas when shopping. You can also check your shopping list by tags on one screen to ensure you don't forget anything.

What features does Grocery Shopping List Simple offer?

Grocery Shopping List Simple offers features such as displaying shopping lists in two rows, colorful tags for easy reading, the ability to delete all checked shopping lists with a single tap, the option to freely change tags, adjustable font size, dark mode function, and the ability to add items with predicted words.

How can I delete items from my shopping list in Grocery Shopping List Simple?

You can delete items from your shopping list with just one tap using the delete button provided in the application.

Can I edit tags in Grocery Shopping List Simple?

Yes, you can edit tags in Grocery Shopping List Simple, allowing you to use the application for more than just shopping.