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About Higher Mathematics for Physics

Higher Mathematics for Physics and Engineering: Mathematical Methods for Contemporary Physics

Due to the rapidly expanding boundaries of physics and technology, the demand for higher levels of mathematics is growing every year. This book is designed to provide the available knowledge of the higher levels of mathematics required by contemporary physics and technology. The strange mathematical structures of important topics in these areas are fully covered and help readers become familiar with some abstract mathematical concepts. Selected topics are:
-Real analysis, complex analysis, functional analysis, Lebesgue integration theory, Fourier analysis, Laplace analysis, Wavelet analysis, Differential operator equation and Tensor analysis.
This book is essentially independent and requires only standard college training, such as elementary calculations and linear algebra. It is therefore suitable for postgraduate students of physics and engineering who are interested in the theoretical foundations in their field. In addition, it is also useful for mathematics students who want to understand how certain abstract mathematical concepts are applied in a practical situation. Readers will not only acquire basic knowledge at a higher level of mathematics, but will also acquire the mathematical skills needed for current study in their own field.
About author
Tsuneyoshi Nakayama
graduated from Hokkaido University in Japan in 1973. Since 1986, he has been a professor of theoretical condensed matter physics at the Department of Applied Physics at Hokkaido University. During this time he remained at the Max Planck Institute, the University of Monpellier, the University of Cambridge and the University of Tokyo.

Hiroyuki Shima
earned a Ph.D. from Hokkaido University. He is now continuing his studies with a special focus on critical events in disrupted systems and multi-body problems in complex systems. He has extensive experience in teaching mathematics and physics to undergraduate and graduate students.

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