When you are insured with TEKA for your supplementary insurance, your own individual account is automatically created. With the myTEKA application, you gain direct access to your individual account, where detailed information is provided on all the contributions you and/or your employer have paid, the profit from your investment returns, your contribution history and your account movements . In addition, you can find answers to frequently asked questions and ways to contact the Fund.
In TEKA, the Supplementary Capitalized Insurance Fund, the contributions you and your employer pay today for your supplementary insurance are saved in your own individual "piggy bank" and exclusively finance your own supplementary pension. The myTEKA application is a tool for personalized information and at the same time offers complete transparency, supervision of your future pension. You get control of your supplementary pension and see where your contributions are actually collected and invested.
To enter the application, you need to use the TAXISnet passwords and then the AMKA for a second identification.
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