Zenlist is the trusted place for clients and real estate agents to collaborate. See listings before they hit the market with our premium search, the fastest and most accurate in its class. Never miss a new listing or an update, our real-time push and email notifications are the most accurate in the industry. Browse home details including hi-res photos and detailed listing descriptions, communicate in real-time with your agent/co-buyers in-app with messages and create tour lists for home showings.
The home search just got a lot easier because search is better together!
· Search like a pro: The biggest and most accurate home inventory in the industry for both agents and clients.
· Search by school district: our accurate school boundaries are current and constantly updated to make sure we provide you with the highest accuracy
· Unique space to collaborate with your agent and co-buyers: Our platform has been built to get agents and buyers an easy way to see what’s been considered and why
· Real-time messaging: communicate with your agent and co-buyers through our app, and always keep track of what has been said!
Now live in Chicago, coming soon in more major markets. Visit www.zenlist.com to know more.
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