Five major professions, develop them at once! Easy adventure, brave warriors are over the top!
[Develop five professions at once]
Open five major career development, no need to answer multiple choice questions!
Each professional character can be unlocked in turn, and the five characters can be developed together~ Build the strongest lineup by yourself!
【Business market, free buying and selling】
Ragnarok! Kill the boss to get mythical equipment drops~
Go to the market, freely choose trading props, and set transaction prices~ Competition and opportunities coexist!
[A little bit, easy to develop]
Break tradition! Upgrade easily!
The mysterious sacred tree gives you magical power. Bit by bit, absorb the aura of the sacred tree and instantly increase your combat effectiveness!
[Fun capture, powerful assistance]
Go capture! You can get it by taming~
Dispatch with one click, unlock skills, and release skill boosts.
[Collect professional suits and unlock exclusive looks]
Professional suits come with exclusive looks. In addition to powerful equipment attributes, there are also exclusive looks!
週年慶&火鳳燎原雙經典IP聯動來襲主角燎原火強勢上線聯動限定皮膚、絕版稱號免費送登入瓜分8億元寶獨享8888元寶福利由金庸原著小說改編的《新倚天屠龍記》新遊震撼來襲,原創沉浸武俠劇情,放置武俠卡牌RPG===========遊戲特色===========· 隨身江湖:經典水墨畫風詮釋武俠江湖,竹林戰鬥、古風主城,帶入真實的原著背景。· 主線劇情:沉浸式劇情體驗,您協同主角「張無忌」一路闖蕩江湖,體驗恩怨情仇!· 神兵秘寶:乾坤大挪移、九陽真經、倚天劍、屠龍刀,上百種武林功法、絕學技能、神兵利器,自由組合搭配,花樣百出!· 酒館招募:張三豐、張無忌、周芷若、趙敏等經典人物一同陪伴,多俠客養成,多陣型,多策略!· 豐富玩法:限時趣味小遊戲,圍攻光明頂、揚刀大會,輕鬆休閒,拒絕玩膩。· 商城買賣:拍賣會、市集、幫會商城等多種購入渠道,一手掌握升級資源。· 多重福利:上線送8888元寶,七天放送紅色傳奇俠客「珠兒」、橙色功法,在線福利拿到手軟。【武林泰斗 我全都要】少林、武當、峨眉、崆峒、昆侖、華山、明教等各大宗師,輪番登場,集齊一眾大俠陪你逍遙江湖。 【陣容之強 自由搭配】不同俠客有自己的獨家本領,張三豐太極無量打出高傷害,趙敏可以恢復全體氣血,空見的金身不壞守護全隊,其他人還有如暈眩、減怒、蠱毒、減防等等多種技能,讓你玩出千變萬化陣容! 【真武絕學...
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