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About Wacky Squad

[Elemental Torrent: Clear the Screen!]
Experience the thrill of massive skill flows as mages clear the screen, summon tough tankers, and provide powerful buffs, while archers unleash burst damage.

[Diverse Towers: Infinite Evolution!]
Choose from various functional defense towers to bolster your city’s defense. Freezing towers slow down enemies, fire towers deal area damage, lightning towers unleash endless bursts, and elemental towers summon tanks. Upgrading these towers enhances their attributes and applies bonuses to heroes.

[Multiverse Fusion: East Meets West!]
In addition to familiar heroes from traditional Chinese culture such as Wukong, Bajie, Nezha, you'll also find heroes from Western culture like Zeus, Spartan, Medusa. Multi-culture offers endless fun, and your favorite hero could appear in the themed events!

[Easy Auto-Play: Get Powerful Overnight!]
As you progress through the main story, daily auto-play rewards grow exponentially. With just a simple click after a night of auto-play, you'll easily gather various resources. Monsters that once seemed challenging can become defeatable overnight—if not, then just take another night!

Be wacky, be happy, be yourself in wacky squad!

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Wacky Squad

Wacky Squad

[Elemental Torrent: Clear the Screen!]Experience the thrill of massive skill flows as...