In the far future, Earth has been polluted by the aftermath of nuclear war, with the last of human civilization moving to inhabit the massive space station, Icarus VI. Decades later, the first group of students from the Hero Academy onboard Icarus VI was sent back to Earth on a recon mission. What they found was not a recovering paradise, but one inhabited with unimaginable monstrosities…
Game features
★ No Character Gacha
All heroes in Battle Divas can be obtained through gameplay progression. No character gacha, no character shards!
★ Real Tactical Gameplay
Rather than just standing still like scarecrows and casting skills, players can actively move their heroes on the battlefield grids. Trigger powerful abilities too!
★ Defeat Boss Monsters Sections
Position your heroes at different sides of select boss monsters and defeat them by sections! Disable their various skills and lead your team to victory!
★ Deep Equipment System
Over 400 different equipment parts to collect, including hero-specific and set items which grant powerful and unique abilities!
★ Variety of PVE and PVP Events
A selection of different gameplay modes to help players collect items and strengthen their teams!
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Mecha Strike is a special action game. Being combination between defenses, strategy...
=游戏简介=《傳說龍城》-是一款“装备靠打”全新传奇游戏,私服传奇,让玩家们找到当年痛快刷装备的快感。热血沙城,原始传奇,热血传奇,热血龙城,放置养成挂机游戏,经典传奇複刻,复古传奇至尊,沙巴克攻城战一触即发!《傳說龍城》还原1.76版本的复古传奇手游。无论在战法道叁大传统职业、各职业专属炫酷技能,还是在游戏玩法、操作界面上,都原汁原味呈现了经典传奇风格,畅爽PK。杀人爆装,多人同屏! 兄弟百人,同仇敌忾!=联络我们=-关注Facebook:傳說龍城-客服联络邮箱:[email protected]=游戏特色=【游戏福利】1.进服送英雄,强力英雄助你刷怪升级,合击技能伤害爆炸2.做任务送至尊会员。只要你完成任务即可获得丰富奖励3.登录奖励送传世宝器,送各种丰富大量4.首充送极品武器,助您度过难关5.每档首次充值,均可获得多倍返利【游戏玩法】1.万人同屏,极品PK2.万法神兵,切割伤害,秒BOSS,刷装备必备系统3.幸运石爆率,极品道具,极品装备,想爆就爆...
Merge weapons, shields, armor and trinkets to become the strongest warrior possible!...
Chibi Universe is an idle RPG game. Players can build up a...
次元連結系統啟動⊃天⊂!人氣機甲漫畫/動畫作品《冥王計劃志雷馬》聯動開跑!登入遊戲即可獲得最多30抽!參與活動即可獲得聯動機體【天之志雷馬】【鐵甲龍 (黑龍)】【雷之歐姆札克】等帥氣高人氣機甲!同時【秋津正人】【冰室美久】等機師一同參戰!【幽羅帝】以及【秋津正樹】等腳色也將在劇情登場! 超級機器人大戰作品《機動戰隊 Iron Saga》特邀請日本知名音樂人【澤野弘之】擔當OP、ED、BGM配樂,著名動畫導演、機械設計師【大張正己】擔當機設與PV動畫監督。彙集中日韓著名畫師與知名聲優,超500種機甲&角色,超過十萬種戰鬥策略組合,百變遊戲模式,流暢的戰鬥體驗和炫麗的技能特效,美少女X機甲搭配,只為帶給你最獨有的機戰滿足感!【業界頂級大師 原創機甲IP】用誠意做遊戲,用心做音樂。我們特別邀請了知名作曲家、編曲家【澤野弘之】先生(代表作: 機動戰士鋼彈UC、罪惡王冠、進擊的巨人等)擔當OP、ED、BGM配樂。著名動畫師、動畫監督、機械設定師【大張正己】(代表作: 弾劾凰,超級機器人大戰,鋼彈創鬥者系列,機動戰士鋼彈 鐵血孤兒等動畫)擔當機甲設計與以及PV動畫監督。【獨一無二操作 戰鬥即時演算】擁有獨家即時戰鬥系統,隨心所欲進行指尖上的戰鬥! 從細微慣性系統到爽快全彈射擊,從規避致命傷害到予測敵方致命一擊,讓指揮官們仿佛置身瞬息萬變的戰場,你可以帶領小隊策略戰鬥,也可以自己單打獨鬥,靈活的操作給你不一樣的戰鬥體驗!【人機隨意組合 超越萬種可能】打破慣性思維!超過500種機甲&角色自由組合。各種酷炫的人型機甲、立繪皮膚多樣的角色機師搭配上陣,使戰鬥效果千差萬別。擁有超過十萬種可能的組合方案!宮殿、堡壘、荒漠、大海……各種戰鬥場景根據劇情無縫切換,攻城拔寨、摧枯拉朽,感受戰爭的殘酷和激情!...
"Rise of Mages" is an epic RTS (real-time strategy) war game.The alliance...
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