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The official hotukdeals app is your access to deals, voucher codes, freebies and savings right on your mobile device. Join our community of consumers who freely share offers, sales, discounts and tips that often aren't advertised in stores or flyers.
Never pay retail again! 😎💰
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⭐ Keyword alerts: Get notified as soon as a deal you're interested in gets posted*
⭐ Find up to date voucher codes from trusted retailers
⭐ hotukdeals keyword alerts allow you to enter a descriptive word like “Xbox", “TV”, “Laptop” or "Lego" and get a notification when new deals match your interests.
If you have a specific item in mind, this app also allows you to search offers by keyword. For example, gaming fiends can find the hottest PS4 or Xbox One deals, whilst others might be looking for a cheap tablet or smartphone.
Join our community:
Sign up for a free hotukdeals account to unlock additional app features. Members can give and get genuine advice on deals, merchants, products, services and more.
Joining the hotukdeals community lets you:
✔ Comment on shared hot deals, discount codes and questions
✔ Rate other members’ deals by voting hot or cold
✔ Follow the activity on your posts and keep up to date with your favourite users
✔ Plus, your Activity Feed helps you easily keep track of deal updates, comments, votes made by other members, and deals posted by your favourite merchants
Additionally the app helps you keep track of all the major shopping events like Black Friday, to make sure you will find the best Black Friday deals
Further events:
· January Sales
· Boxing Day
· Prime Day
· Cyber Monday
Hundreds of hidden deals are being posted everyday, so don't miss out and find the best deals of the day.
Install the app and get hooked on hotukdeals - guaranteed 100% free and without ads!
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