10,000+ Daily best quotes by famous authors for Love, Life, War, Family, Status
Read, share, listen over 10,000+ quotes by famous authors on love, life, war, family, relationship and status in over 100+ topics for free. 😍👫💓💍🌹
You can share the motivational status from various authors and topics to your social Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Hangouts, Email to groups and friends. This will help you gain more likes and attention from your followers. On the other hand your life will improve by gaining knowledge from inspirational quotes. Gonna help you in your bad time and good time both.
✓ Easily find your favorite authors and topics for Inspirational sayings.
✓ Read short biography of authors.
✓ Listen to any Inspirational & famous quotes when you don’t feel like reading. A Unique feature available only in this app.
✓ Select and Add sayings to 'favorites' section for reading them later
✓ Schedule notifications to receive ‘Status of the day’ or ‘Thought of the day’.
✓ Works in both portrait & landscape mode.
✓ Attractive layout options, Switch to Cards or list layout as per your liking.
✓ Plenty of themes to choose from.
✓ Accommodates modern interface with beautiful animations.
✓ Quickly share messages with images via Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Hangouts, Email groups and friends
✓ Choose what you want to share only textual messages or on attractive Image.
✓ Works offline.
✓ Famous QUOTES regularly coming in updates.
Note: Didn’t find your favorite Author or topic? Do write us at [email protected] and we will get back to you in shortest possible time.
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