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About Masterpieces - 226 Classics

App Introduction: Masterpieces - Discover Classic Literature

Welcome to Masterpieces, the app for devoted readers of world classic literature! Explore the essence of remarkable writers worldwide, journey through history, and engage in profound dialogues with literary giants. Whether you're a literature enthusiast, student, or cultural explorer, Masterpieces will be your indispensable reading companion.

Key Features:

Abundant Classics: Masterpieces gather timeless works by outstanding authors from various countries, covering diverse literary genres and historical periods. Each book is an enlightening experience for the mind.

Intelligent Recommendations: Personalized book suggestions using smart algorithms that cater to your tastes. Enjoy a tailored reading experience with a single tap.

Offline Reading: No internet connection needed! Download your favorite books locally and read anytime, anywhere, even without internet access.

Premium Reading Experience: Masterpieces provide a comfortable reading interface with various modes and adjustable fonts for a seamless reading journey.

A Journey of Discovery:

Literary Treasures: Roam through Greek mythology's mysteries, explore Shakespeare's profound tragedies, follow Hugo's majestic poetry, and immerse yourself in Tolstoy's profound thoughts.

Cultural Exploration: Travel across time and continents to explore the diverse charm of world cultures. Delve into Eastern philosophy's depth and uncover pivotal moments in Western history.

Clash of Ideas: Engage in thought-provoking dialogues with literary giants on timeless themes of love, freedom, courage, and tragedy. Experience a soul-enriching baptism through reading.

Knowledge Enrichment: Embark on a journey of expanding horizons as Masterpieces bring you wisdom from around the globe. Books unlock the gateway to knowledge.

Unlock the Door to Wisdom:

Masterpieces Guide: Gain quick insights into each book's background and the stories behind the authors. Deepen your understanding and appreciation for the rich content.

Reading Community: Connect with readers worldwide, share your thoughts, exchange literary experiences, and forge friendships with like-minded individuals.

Daily Recommendations: Embrace daily literary adventures with thoughtfully selected works, be it short stories, poetry, or epic novels.

Masterpieces: Ignite Your Love for Reading

We believe reading is a wondrous journey, a transformation, and an elevation of the soul. Masterpieces accompany you through different epochs and nations, embracing the beauty of literature and exploring the wellspring of wisdom. Whether you immerse yourself quietly in books or share the joy of reading with friends, Masterpieces will be your most trusted companion.

In the world of Masterpieces, you encounter great literary masters and engage in timeless classics. Reading is not merely entertainment; it nourishes the soul and perpetuates culture. Let Masterpieces guide you through the vast ocean of ideas, igniting the sparks of wisdom within your heart.

Whether you cherish literature deeply or seek to expand your knowledge, Masterpieces will be your reliable reading companion. Here, you will discover your spiritual home, savor the wonders of reading, and share the delights and rewards of literature with readers worldwide.

Download Masterpieces now and embark on your literary adventure! Let books ignite your passion for reading, and let Masterpieces be the beacon guiding you to the treasures of knowledge. Together, let us revel in the allure of literature, pursue the path of wisdom, and celebrate the marvelous journey of reading!

Included Works:

《Man's Fate》《Selected Short Stories by Balzac》《John Christopher》《The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes》《Don Quixote》《Misfortunes of Virtue》《Nabokov's Short Stories》《Short Stories by Tolstoy》《Youth Guard》《The Buddenbrooks》《The Forty-Five Guardsmen》《Short Stories by Maupassant》《The Three Musketeers》...

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遇见千年文字,世界名著APP带你穿越文学宇宙。探索经典之美,与文豪心灵对话。品味智慧,感悟情感,享受阅读的独特魅力。精选名著,深入人心。点亮你的阅读灵感,开启无尽的文学之旅。内容老少皆宜,对于青少年无疑是启蒙教育、作文辅导和睡前阅读的经典之作。从经典中汲取智慧,开启孩子们的想象之门。与伟大的文学作品相伴,培养他们的品味和阅读兴趣。支持分享到WhatsApp、Facebook、微信 (WeChat)、QQ、Skype、Tik Tok等社交軟件哦!功能支持:1、支持多種語言:簡體中文、繁體華文、English2、支持在線中英翻譯,一鍵華文翻譯英文,英文翻譯華文3、支持一鍵中文繁簡轉換、收藏、搜索、復製、轉發分享等4、多樣閱讀背景設置,包含護眼模式、復古模式、夜間模式等5、支持字體大小、字體間距的閱讀體驗設置6、貼心功能:今日已讀、歷史已讀、橫屏閱讀等功能7、支持寫故事,如果心有故事,就寫下來吧8、支持多種字體:方正楷書、行楷、康體等三、內容包含:《战争与和平》,《悲惨世界》,《名侦探柯南系列》,《尤利西斯》,《基督山伯爵》,《乱世佳人》,《梵高传》,《美国悲剧》,《资本论》,《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》,《安娜・卡列尼娜》,《狄更斯_大卫・科波菲尔》,《大地三部曲》,《唐吉诃德》,《忏悔录》,《白痴》,《十日谈》,《荷马史诗》,《经济学原理》,《三个火枪手》,《罪与罚》,《精神现象学》,《卡夫卡短篇小说集》,《幻灭》,《伊利亚特》,《作为意志和表象的世界》,《小妇人》,《简爱》,《复活》,《钢铁是怎样炼成的》,《陀思妥耶夫斯基短篇小说选》,《巴黎圣母院》,《狄更斯_雾都孤儿》,《红与黑》,《大师与玛格丽特》,《梦的解析》,《苏菲的世界》,《爱玛》,《被侮辱与被损害的人》,《白鲸》,《包法利夫人》,《狄更斯_双城记》,《我是猫》,《精神分析引论》,《高尔基作品集_母亲》,《形而上学》,《劳伦斯_查特莱夫人的情人》,《傲慢与偏见》,《高尔基作品集_在人间》,《福尔摩斯东方探案》,《屠格涅夫短篇小说》,《在路上》,《柯南・道尔作品集_福尔摩斯冒险史系列》,《鲁滨逊漂流记》,《瓦尔登湖》,《内战记》,《菊与刀》,《爱伦・坡作品集》,《都德短篇小说》,《柯南・道尔作品集_福尔摩斯归来记》,《浮士德》,《生活在别处》,《索拉里斯星》,《月亮与六便士》,《柯南・道尔作品集_福尔摩斯回忆录》,《安妮日记》,《威尼斯・美食、祈祷与爱》,《儒勒・凡尔纳_八十天环游地球》,《诺桑觉寺》,《阿加莎・克里斯蒂_尼罗河谋杀案》,《风翔万里》,《茶花女》,《麦田里的守望者》,《阿格尼丝格雷》,《金阁寺》,《红字》,《诺贝尔传》,《父与子》,《欧也妮・葛朗台》,《冷山》,《格林童话》,《培根随笔集》,《柯南・道尔作品集_巴斯克维尔的猎犬》,《儒勒・凡尔纳_地心游记》,《杰克・伦敦作品集_白牙》,《阿加莎・克里斯蒂_东方快车谋杀案》,《冰岛渔夫》,《朗热公爵夫人》,《阿加莎・克里斯蒂_无人生还》,《了不起的盖茨比》,《儒勒・凡尔纳_从地球到月球》,《安徒生童话》,《高尔基作品集_童年》,《古都》,《高尔基作品集_我的大学》,《格林童话原版》,《歌德作品集_少年维特之烦恼》,《米开朗琪罗传》,《社会契约论》,《杰克・伦敦作品集_野性的呼唤》《悲剧的诞生》,《北欧神话》,《莎士比亚_哈姆雷特》,《贝多芬传》,《局外人》,《莎士比亚_威尼斯商人》,《莎士比亚_罗密欧与朱丽叶》,《人间失格》,《老人与海》,《玩偶之家》,《莎士比亚_第十二夜》,《莎士比亚_麦克白》,《莎士比亚_仲夏夜之梦》,《被遗弃的女人》,《伊势物语》,《艾略特诗集》,《伊索寓言》,《给一个青年诗人的十封信》,《先知》,《金眼怪孩》...

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歡迎使用我們的全新應用程式—"新年祝福語"! 在這個Happy New Year 2024的春節季,為您提供最貼心的新年祝福服務。 無論是迎接農曆新年的新氣象,或是在元旦、除夕、春節、元宵節送上最真誠的祝福,我們都為您準備好了豐富多彩的新年賀卡。應用特色:1. **新年祝福賀卡:** 精選製作了豐富多樣的新年賀卡,涵蓋春節、元宵等多個場景,讓您在每個重要的節日都能送上真摯的祝福。2. **送祝福迎新春:** 透過我們的應用,您可以輕鬆快捷地送上對親朋好友的美好祝愿,共同迎接新春佳節。3. **節日問候日曆:** 應用內設有日曆提醒功能,幫助您及時發送元旦、除夕、春節、元宵節等節日問候,讓您的祝福永遠不落人後。4....