Enter the enchanting world of Bird Kind and join a spirited forest community, working together to bring bird life back to the forest. Soak up the beauty of nature while taking an active role in its revival, as you raise and collect a variety of real-world bird species.
Restore the forest's former glory by teaming up with the forest spirit to summon new birds and raise them through their lifecycle. By clearing away overgrowth and enabling sunlight to dapple the forest floor once more, you'll provide the ideal habitat for your birds to flourish. Delight in the thrill of discovering new bird species and raising them to adulthood, while uncovering facts and learning more about the world of birds.
Bird Kind is more than just a game – it’s a place to relax, unwind, and connect with nature. You will be surrounded by stunning visuals and a peaceful atmosphere that will transport you to a world of tranquility and wonder.
***Please note: this is a Runaway Mini’s project - a prototype we are testing to gauge interest from players before developing into a fully-fledged game.***
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