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تطبيقات في الاجتماعيات Screenshot 0
تطبيقات في الاجتماعيات Screenshot 1
تطبيقات في الاجتماعيات Screenshot 2
تطبيقات في الاجتماعيات Screenshot 3
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About تطبيقات في الاجتماعيات

This application is concerned with social studies subjects (history and geography) at all levels. This work includes a set of applied exercises in using geographical and historical means of expression (data, time lines, and maps).
It is based on simulation technology, in addition to a variety of illustrations in geography, which have been selected and arranged so that they are easy to use and invest in by the teacher and the learner in an interactive manner that aims to develop the cognitive, skillful and emotional aspects of the learners.
These drawings and exercises were created by the developer using open source computer programs, and the application does not represent any official body or any governmental institution.
Some features of the application:
Easy to use interface
Clear language
Clarity of shapes and images and the ability to enlarge

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