Enjoy the most complete free quail claim application, where you will find a selection with a clean sound of quail songs. Install the application and turn your mobile phone into a professional caller of this wonderful bird. For a better effect you can connect to an external active Bluetooth speaker.
Quail claim once installed, does not require wifi or data connection for the emission of sounds, so it can be used anywhere!
The sounds that are included in this free application, have a variable duration so you can adjust it to your tastes, as well as using the repeat mode.
The sounds of most of the world's species can be found;
The common quail (coturnix coturnix), the colin of Virginia or northern couti quail (colinus virginianus), the California colin or Californian quail (Callipepla califórnica), the colt of Moctezuma or the harlequin quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae) and many more varieties.
Share the sounds of free quail claim directly from the application, through the different options; email, any social network, or storage devices.
They require mobile data or Wi-Fi connection for their use.
Why spend money on an electronic claim in stores when you can purchase this application for free?
Questions or comments? We read each of the emails we receive. Do you want us to add some specific content to our catalog? Do you have suggestions? Please, do not hesitate to write to apkcreationscomputing@gmail.com
Please leave a comment on the Google Play Store !!
Requires mobile data or wifi connection for download
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