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About The King Must Die

The King Must Die is a strategy card game for 5 players. Depending on your Roles, you work with or against other players to complete different goals – Protect the king, slay the king, or kill everyone.

Once upon a time, Aerys, once known as the “Wise King”, built a prosperous and peaceful kingdom. However, towards the end of his reign, he turned into a cruel, insatiable "Mad King", forcing his people to rise to revolution. Unbeknownst to all, the Merchant of Fate is pulling the strings behind all this…

The King Must Die is a multiplayer strategy card game. The demo will support a 5-player gameplay where players draw Roles to play as 1 King, 1 Kingsguard, 2 Kingslayers and 1 Usurper.

Designed as a social game, we recommend playing with friends at a party, or online using voice chat. You can also enjoy cross-platform play between Android, IOS and Windows.

【The King】
Objective: Kill every Kingslayer and usurper.
Tip: The Kingsguard is sworn to protect the King. You can trust the Kingsguard with your life.

Objective: Kill every Kingslayer and usurper.
Tip: The Kingsguard should save the King and protect the reign at all cost.

Objective: Kill the king.
Tip: If the Kingsguard and the Usurper are in your way, feel free to kill them too.

Objective: Survive every Kingslayer and Kingsguard, then finally kill the King.
Tip: You need to trick others in order to mask your intentions and hide your identity. When the right time comes, spare no mercy.

Game Features
· 15 Playable Characters: Each character comes with unique and powerful skills.

· A Variety of Cards: Currently you can unlock up to 20 cards for an exciting card battle.
· Online Multiplayer Gameplay: You can host a room or join others’ room. Invite your friends to play, or match with online players – strategy and deceit, teamwork and betrayal all in one game.

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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is The King Must Die?

The King Must Die is a strategy card game for 5 players, where players work together or against each other to complete different goals related to the king.

How many players can play The King Must Die?

The game supports up to 5 players.

What are the different roles in The King Must Die?

The different roles in the game are King, Kingsguard, Kingslayer, and Usurper.

What is the objective of the King in the game?

The objective of the King is to kill every Kingslayer and Usurper.

What is the objective of the Kingsguard in the game?

The objective of the Kingsguard is to kill every Kingslayer and Usurper and protect the reign at all costs.

What is the objective of the Kingslayer in the game?

The objective of the Kingslayer is to kill the King, and if necessary, the Kingsguard and the Usurper.

What is the objective of the Usurper in the game?

The objective of the Usurper is to survive every Kingslayer and Kingsguard and then finally kill the King.

Can The King Must Die be played online?

Yes, The King Must Die supports online multiplayer gameplay where you can host a room or join others' rooms. You can also invite your friends to play or match with online players.

How many playable characters are there in the game?

There are 15 playable characters in The King Must Die, each with unique and powerful skills.

How many different cards can be unlocked in the game?

Currently, you can unlock up to 20 cards for an exciting card battle in The King Must Die.