MOSC lets you save & compare items of e-shops and get notified if a price drops.
MOSC est une application mobile gratuite qui vous informe en direct des baisses prix. Cette application vous permet d'ajouter & de comparer dans un panier unique des produits provenant de vos magasins en ligne préférés en un seul clic et d’être notifié en temps réel lorsque les articles bénéficient d’une baisse de prix.
Tous vos produits sont rassemblés dans un panier unique, votre panier d’achat universel.
MOSC met aussi à disposition des Coupons actifs et des Offres actuelles.
MOSC is a free mobile app that informs you in real time in case of a price cut. This app allows you to save & compare products of online stores with a single click and get notified in real-time in case of discount. All your products will be gathered in one unique place, your mobile online shopping cart. Get also active coupons & offers. Always buy at the best price via MOSC price alerts and comparison.
MOSC makes mobile online shopping more valuable for everybody:
-Save time by stopping looking for all your open carts
-Save money by buying on sale without checking websites over and over
-Compare prices & online stores from added items in your Universal Cart to select the best product
MOSC does not cover all online stores but aims to assist you at best by covering new e-shops progressively. That’s why you can share with us your desired e-shops. The most requested ones will be added first.
How does it work?
1. Browse via its e-shops list and select the e-shop(s) you want to visit. When you see an item you like, click the Cart icon and it will be added directly to your Universal Cart. To view your cart, press longer the Cart icon.
2. Browse via your default mobile browser or directly on your shopping apps, when you see an item you like, share it with MOSC via three dots menu.
You will be notified automatically if a price drops! You’ll be the first to know.
Save time, save money and keep track of everything in one place with MOSC!
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