program that helps the user to know the rituals of Hajj and Umrah and to enter within a group of pilgrims The official enters new pilgrims and sees their evidence And knowing the missing pilgrims The pilgrim can find out the missing pilgrim data by reading the QR code and reporting it to the official or security
A group of services for pilgrims visiting the Sacred House of Pilgrims and Umrah pilgrims in seven international languages, by introducing them to the times of mating, moving buses, throwing stones and times going to the sanctuary to perform the prayer.
Be the person with great ideas. Surveys give you actionable insights and...
A program that enables students to learn via the Internet The student...
My PlacesProgram Aims to help people with special needs By delivering them...
The main goal of this application is to support healthy lifestyle. create...
جمعية المودة للتنمية الأسرية بمنطقة مكة المكرمة تأسست عام 2003م و هي...
برنامج مزايده يتيح للمستخدم عرض جميع منتجاته المستخدمه او الجديدة يمكنك عرض...
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