Karni Mob: Credit Book app allows you to better manage credit and debit operations for all your dealers (customers and suppliers). The app is simple and easy to use; it allows convenient management of your financial transactions with customers and suppliers by saving the details of each transaction.
Features of the application:
• Choose the language (English, Arabic, French, …)
• Record names and phone numbers of dealers (customers or suppliers).
• Classification of dealers in alphabetical order.
• Manage multiple dealer’s accounts.
• Create a credit transaction (I Gave: amount colored yellow).
• Create a debit transaction (I Took: amount colored green).
• Details of a transaction: amount and date and possibly of note and photo!
• Classification of transactions in chronological order for each dealer.
• Calculate the debit, credit amounts, and the balance for each dealer.
• Send an SMS or social network (Facebook, etc.) advice message of credit or payment.
• Generate a PDF transactions report that can be printed or shared for each dealer,
• Backup and restore data.
• Etc. ...
Who uses the app:
Any physical or moral person or moral person having financial transactions with others can use the Karni Mob application, for example:
• Sellers of fruit, vegetables, and food products.
• Hardware stores and stores that sell building materials.
• Independent sellers.
• Grocery stores.
• Wholesalers and distributors.
• Clothing stores and tailors.
• Jewelry stores.
• Craftsmen.
• Personal use.
• Etc ...
The app is subject to improvement and other features to add in the next updates, if you have any suggestions to improve the Karni Mob app, please contact us at kadersoft.dev@gmail.com, or leave a message on Google Play, and thank you.
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