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About Javo Read (Earn Money)

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Write and Get Paid
Do you want to earn money online? Our app was built on the efforts of readers just like you. Readers who didn’t have any experience as writers but decided to put a list together and send it in.

So here is the deal: We will pay you for your efforts. You don’t need to be an expert—you just need to have English equal to that of a native speaker, a sense of humor, and a love for things unusual or interesting.

You do not need to have any relevant experience or hold any particular qualifications, but you do need to:

Possess excellent creativity
Have a keen eye for detail
Show a passion for content creation
Stay on top of trends

To help you out with some ideas, the lists that our readers love the most (and the ones we will most likely pay for) are lists that are offbeat and novel—lists that are looking at something normal in an unexpected way (ways college makes you dumb, for example), unsolved mysteries, hidden knowledge (things most people don’t know), misconceptions, and just really astonishing general knowledge about anything—science, for example. After approving your article, it will be great to share it on Facebook/Twitter.

You will earn revenue for every article that is published.

No limit on articles published
Must be 100% original content
Paid out via PayPal and Btc

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