A business plan is a statement of a set of business goals, the reasons why they are believed attainable, and the plan for reaching those goals. It also contains background information about the investor attempting to reach those goals.
The ez2plan will help MSEs (Micro and Small Enterprise) to prepare the finanicials for the business plan and will get the indication whether the plan is viable or not. The business plan begins with completing a set of information that relates to personal background of the entrepreneur, followed by topics that form core of a business plan.
The ez2plan will help MSEs to develop their investment financials with considerable ease.
Long Text
An MSE can utilise the business plan for the following purpose:
o Define and realise the business that s/he intends to carry out.
o Create a roadmap for a successful business
o Use business plan for feasibility and reality check
o Make better decisions
o Use business plan as a tool to access financial services
The ez2plan will allow the investor in his/her business to have a clear understanding and estimate of risk and return of investment in the business.
Risk is associated with uncertainty of market, instability of supportive policy, occurrence of local conflict and wars, outcome of natural disaster, etc.
Return is the gains made from the investment undertaking, measured in terms of profit or total money received by the investor over a period of time from the business.
If the accumulated money or cash flow received takes too long to recover the total investment made in the business, then the risk associated with the business is high.
Cash flow received in amounts making up total investment amount over a shorter time entails low risk.
Financing agencies like banks or other investors in the business need to make a thorough assessment of the farmer’s business plan in order to ensure that the business generates adequate cash flow. Financing bank, for instance, would like to know the period it will take for the business to generate enough net cash flow to recover the total new investment and pay back the loan.
Business Planning is a challenging exercise for an investor operating on any scale – micro, small or medium scale.
Knowledge of some fundamentals of business and finance is needed to prepare a sound business plan.
This tool on business planning has been designed with the objective of providing guidance to its users for preparing a full-scale yet simple business plan that forms a powerful tool for assessing all critical aspects of a business investment undertaking, assessing financials and examining financial return and risk associated with the business investment.
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