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About YouChat AI

YouChat empowers you to create and chat with powerful artificial intelligence for free!


šŸ’¬ Chats: Message many different AI companions, such as a fitness trainer, chef, or even your personal therapist or life coach.
šŸ“ž Voice Calls: Call your AI companions like you would a real person, and enjoy actually being able to talk to them!
šŸ§ Actual Intelligence: Engage with advanced AI that actually REMEMBERS your conversations and responds with ANSWERS as opposed to redirection.
šŸ”” Notifications: Receive follow up messages to keep you on track to achieve your goals.
šŸ”’ Privacy Focused: We routinely delete your messages from our servers, and only retain the minimum information needed for your AI assistants to actually remember what you've told them.
šŸ¤‘ FREE: We provide you with unlimited access to the latest and most sophisticated technologies that artificial intelligence has to offer for free.

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You might be terrified that one day you'll work for artificial intelligence - YouChat makes sure that AI works for YOU! You've heard about ChatGPT and all the cool things AI can do, but you've never experience the full extent to which it can actually enhance your life. We're here to provide you with all of most advanced and cutting edge resources in one place, both for productivity and also just for fun!

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Name's Octavian, I love this app. I feel like it's needa an update for AI calls. I'll stay tuned.
Aubrey Underwood
Either this app is awesome at
Andrew Kelly
Amazing cant wait for the call feature too be more advanced!
Bella Enderson