FREE: The full Christian Bible text of the KJV and RV1909.
Bible - Word of Promise features:
• Complete King James Bible and the Spanish Reina Valera 1909
• Go directly to any verse of the Bible instantly
• Bookmark, highlight or write you own notes
• Create your own reading plans for memorization or Bible study
• Use the built-in reading plans to access pre-programmed plans that take you through the New Testament in 40 days or the entire Bible in Chronological (timeline) order
• Synchronize your bookmarks, highlight, notes and reading position between devices
At any time, you can purchase the complete Word of Promise® Audio Bible which includes the complete NKJV Bible text and dramatized audio which has the following features:
• Sleep timer
• Christ words highlighted in red
• Support for headphone pause and play buttons
• Remembers where you left off
• The entire 90-hours of standard audio only uses 1.4 GB or if you have the space or turn on the enhanced audio which uses 4 GB.
Purchase the NKJV Study Bible resources and utilize this powerful app for deeper understanding and study which includes:
• Over 15,000 verse-by-verse study notes
• 150 Bible times and culture notes
• 114 articles on key Bible doctrines
• 350 word studies with Strong's numbers
• "Christ in the Scriptures" feature
• Topical index
• Deluxe Nelson concordance
• Full-color maps
You can also purchase the KJV Study Bible for deeper dive into the scriptures.
The Word of Promise® Audio Bible is a scripted dramatization of the trusted New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible presented in a compelling, dramatic audio theater format. The audio project took over 4 years to produce and features an All Star Cast including the talents of actors: Jim Caviezel (The Passion of the Christ and Person of Interest) (plays the role of Jesus), Michael York (narrator), Richard Dreyfuss (Moses), Gary Sinise (David), Jesse McCartney (young David and Daniel), Stacy Keach (Paul and Job), Ernie Hudson (Peter), Sean Austin (Elihu), Malcolm McDowell (Solomon), Joan Allen (Deborah), Lou Diamond Phillips (Mark), Luke Perry (Judas), Harry Hamlin (Nehemiah), and Martin Jarvis (voice of God). Complete with production by AFTRA Award winner Carl Amari (The Twilight Zone™ Radio Dramas), an original music score by prolific Italian composer Stefano Mainetti (Abba Pater & The Shooter), and movie-quality sound effects produced, engineered, and mixed at Cerny American Creative in Chicago—an award-winning facility ranked in the Top 3 in the nation for sound design headed by director JoBe Cerny. Over 90 hours of audio.
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異象歡迎來到宣讀聖經(戲劇聖經)APP! 宣讀聖經將當今教會回歸到信徒共同讀經、傾聽神話語的傳統。信徒共同讀經是舊約和新約中神子民的生活基礎,提醒信徒要紀念神的作為,以及他們神子民的身份。這種做法在聖經中隨處可見,有摩西時代的誦讀律法,約西亞王的改革,還有以斯拉復興以色列人民。在耶穌時代,猶太人生活當中很重要的一環,是在會堂裏大聲誦讀律法和先知書。早期的基督徒也保持這項傳統,信徒聚會時大聲朗讀使徒保羅的書信。使徒保羅自己也非常重視宣讀聖經,他在提摩太前書4章13節中教導眾人:“你要以宣讀、勸勉、教導為念,直等到我來。”如今,您可以與自己的小組一起來宣讀聖經。作為神的子民,神的話就是我們生命的糧。常常一起閱讀和聆聽聖經,讓我們愛神的話就像愛美食一樣簡單。願您在神的話語裡成長,用聖經來裝備自己成為神的工人! 感謝您的加入,讓我們一起宣讀聖經!聚會建議當您預備開始自己的宣讀聖經小組時,最好備有紙本聖經,以便參加者閱讀。請與您的同工討論,選擇一個20分鐘、30分鐘、45分鐘或60分鐘的閱讀計劃,聽完整本聖經只需要100小時。每次的讀經內容: 兩篇詩篇作為開始和結束禱告,一段舊約經文,一段新約經文。若使用45分鐘和60分鐘的讀經計劃,可在兩年半內讀完舊約一次、新約兩次。我們建議在讀經之間稍作停頓,讓大家能在禱告中反覆思想所聽到的內容,每個單元裡都有標明可以停頓的地方。每個單元都有聖經工程的影片,您可以有選擇性地播放。影片提供了背景介紹,例如敘述結構、主題和歷史,都生動有趣、通俗易懂,可以幫助會眾加深對經文的理解。聚會結束時,感謝大家到來並鼓勵持續參加,可以選擇性地加入討論環節,最重要的是一起聆聽神的話語。...
The Bible (New Testament) takes life read by a person, not a...
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