Directory: Application Description
Directory is an application designed to manage and view a list of sellers in an efficient and accessible way.
Its main objective is to provide an intuitive and friendly interface that makes it easy to search, view and contact sellers stored in an Excel file.
The key functionalities of the application are described below:
Main Features
Load Seller List:
Upload List: Allows the user to upload an Excel file with seller data. The file is processed and stored in the browser's local storage for fast and persistent access.
Upload Complete Alert: Upon completion of uploading and processing the file, the application notifies the user with an alert indicating that the upload has been completed successfully.
User interface:
Seller Search: A search field that allows you to filter the list of sellers by ID, name or phone, making it easy to quickly locate a specific seller.
Vendor Table:
Data Visualization: Shows a table with the IDs and names of the sellers.
The table is interactive and allows the user to select a seller to view more details.
Details Modal: When you select a seller, a new window opens showing detailed information about the seller, including their ID and phone number.
Quick Actions:
Call: A button within the new window that allows the user to make a direct call to the seller's phone number.
WhatsApp: A button that opens a conversation on WhatsApp with the seller's number, using the international prefix +56, we will modify this in a future update if required.
Copy Number: A button that copies the seller's phone number to the clipboard, making it easy to use in other applications or contacts.
Styles and Responsiveness:
Responsive Design: The interface is designed to be mobile friendly, with large, easy-to-use action buttons.
Interactive Icons: Uses Font Awesome icons to represent call, WhatsApp and copy actions, providing a clear and modern visual experience.
Local Storage:
Data Persistence: Seller data is stored in the browser's local storage, allowing the information to remain available even after closing and reopening the application.
Benefits of Use
Efficiency: Facilitates the management of seller contacts in a centralized and accessible way.
Accessibility: Allows quick and easy access to contact information from any Android device.
Interactivity: Provides quick and useful actions such as calling, sending messages on WhatsApp and copying phone numbers.
Persistence: Uploaded data remains available in local storage, reducing the need to upload the file repeatedly.
Directory is an essential tool for companies and professionals who need to manage and contact multiple sellers in an organized and efficient way.
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