Auto Chess is a brand new, highly competitive multiplayer online strategy game created by Drodo and Dragonest Co.Ltd, released and technically supported by Dragonest Co.Ltd. Players will build their own economy system and use unique units to fight against each other in a 8 player last man standing scenario. Pit your strategy skills against 7 other players at the same time and proof your skill to adapt your stragies in real-time. ImbaTV will manage Auto Chess' global esports tournaments. No matter where you're from, you can challenge the top players from all over the world. The world's top Auto Chess eSports league is waiting for you!
Innovative gameplay
By collecting/changing Hero cards, and arranging different formations, 8 chess gamers will be contending for the first prize in the following tens of minutes. Millions of players are challenging each other every day, and, it has become one of the most popular leisure gameplays nowadays.
Fair Play
Make a real fair-play game! The World e-Sports Games are created by Dragonest Co.Ltd., Drodo, and lmbaTV. Million Prize Pool awaiting!
Strategy Rules the World
Players will randomly get their Heroes in the Sharing Cardpool, and form special formations according to their unique strategies. Evolution, combination, jockey for position etc. enable you to practice your strategies to the greatest extent. Who will be adaptable to the changing tide and survive till the end?
Global Server
No matter where you come from, welcome to our world and challenge players from all over the world!
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[Game Intro]Auto Chess is a strategy game released worldwide, combining entertaining gameplay...
Pocket Dragonest is an official App of Auto Chess operated by Dragonest...
游戏的故事发生在秦朝末年的中国。秦始皇严酷苛责的统治之下,民不聊生,这个刚刚统一的帝国已经显露出衰亡的征兆。女杀手「孟女」刚刚从复杂的黑暗组织中脱身,又被卷入一段蓄谋已久的阴谋之中。 诚然,在时代的滚滚大势面前,每个人都只是“无名之辈”,“我命由我不由天”也仿佛是一纸空言。然而在做出解答之前,让我们先看看属于「孟女」的这个故事吧。游戏特色【中国风的美术与音乐】 在2D的精致手绘画面上,我们加入了复杂的动画效果,带你回到两千多年前,遍历古老帝国的风土人情。中原市井、关山明月、塞外雪原、神秘古墓……与「孟女」一起,听着中国风的原创音乐,亲身探索这个美丽的世界吧。【庞大的剧情与世界观】 主角「孟女」是游走在正邪之间的强大女杀手,然而面对已到强弩之末的大秦帝国,她的命运在历史浊流之中,究竟能否走向一个圆满的结局?通过对话、场景与关卡设计,一个需要你抽丝剥茧来挖掘真相的巨大阴谋将徐徐展开。【核心的连招玩法】 「孟女」精通双刀、大剑与弓,能在三种武器之间随时切换。切刀会带来额外的伤害与招式,所以战斗中需要预判形势,随时切换武器,打出华丽的连招。蕴含力量的“血印”能加强主角的不同属性,让每场战斗顺应你的风格。【能看到主角思考的灵感系统】 主角「孟女」有复杂的过去和性格,我们认为她不该仅仅作为游戏中的“沉默的双眼”。灵感系统可以让我们随时随地阅读她的内心想法,在一些重要的时间点上,她甚至会请你帮她做出选择,然后一点点累积成更为重大的改变。在接下来的游戏版本中,我们会进一步完善这个系统。游戏本体包含1——5章的可游玩内容,额外章节需要付费购买...
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