Perfect for the on-the-go financial professional!
Practice Quiz's FINRA Series 7 Exam Prep app for Android contains 400 focused questions to thoroughly prepare you for General Securities Representative Exam. Each question is paired with a concise yet thorough explanation to ensure comprehension of the material. All content was created exclusively for Practice Quiz by an expert writer with a strong financial background and comprehensive knowledge of the material on the exam and edited by Samantha Tanzer, an Practice Quiz associate with a background in financial regulation.
Your satisfaction is important to us and we have a no questions asked refund policy for all our Android apps. We encourage you to try our application out risk free and let us know by e-mailing if there are any issues.
The app has both a "study mode" where each question is followed by a clear explanation of the answer and a "test mode" where the users can simulate the exam experience and test their recall ability.
This app covers all of subject areas presented on the Series 7 exam, including the critical functions of seeking business for the broker-dealer, evaluating customers, keeping customers informed, making suitable investment recommendations, handling of accounts and keeping of appropriate account records, explaining the organization, participants, factors and functions of various securities markets, executing customer orders, and monitoring portfolios.
About Practice Quiz
Practice Quiz creates high quality management education and test preparation material that is witty, engaging, and adds value in the learning process. We deploy our content through mediums such as mobile applications and other interactive channels.
We are a double bottom line company that is committed to education in the developing world. Some of the profits will be used to deploy education via mobile phone in emerging countries to improve their total factor productivity growth.
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