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About Cypher Archives: Cryptic Tomes

Solve cryptograms in the new game, Cypher Archives: Cryptic Tomes!
Experience the thrill of puzzle solving by reading coded books in a mysterious library.
Decorate your gallery with masterpieces from around the world that you can get as rewards!

A "cryptogram" is a puzzle where the letters have all been randomly swapped.
When you crack the code and complete the puzzle, you'll find quotes from famous people from all around the world. Solves puzzles for quotes from people like Mark Twain, Confucius, and Miyamoto Musashi.

Cypher Archives is designed in a way that even people who have never played a word puzzle game before can enjoy. Each stage can be cleared in just a few minutes, so it's easy to pick up and play when you have some free time.
In addition to the satisfaction of solving the puzzle and reading the hidden quotes, you can also enjoy the feeling of adding new books to your shelf by collecting new books.

1. Solve word puzzles with vocabulary and logic!
If you're a first time word puzzle player, don't worry! Start by solving for smaller words. As you fill in letters, other spaces with the same letters will be filled in, giving you hints for other words. Solving the puzzles will reveal the hidden quotes, adding an additional layer of satisfaction to the puzzle solving experience.

2. Artists, samurai, and philosophers, oh my! Solve the puzzles to collect more books and famous art for your gallery!
By solving the mysterious library's puzzles you can get new books and page leaves. Page leaves can then be exchanged for special books. Among those books are themed books for famous people of history. These include artists like Leonardo da Vinci, or samurai like Sanada Yukimura and Miyamoto Musashi. When you complete these special books, you will be rewarded with famous pieces of art such as Vermeer's "Girl with a Pearl Earring" or Hokusai's "The Great Wave off Kanagawa." Collect a variety of books and art to complete your unique collection.

3. Tons of puzzles from famous writers to make you nod your head.
Many of the quotes are from famous writers or nobel prize winners. You can enjoy a double layered reward when you solve a puzzle by reading thought provoking quotes. With a wealth of proverbs and quotes from Eastern and Western philosophers, you can enjoy a thought provoking experience not possible in most cryptograms.
Knowing that an interesting quote is waiting for you makes the puzzle all the more fun.

An easy word puzzle that can be logically solved.

Cypher Archives is a game that rewards you for taking on a challenge. Collect magical books and escape from the dream world's mysterious library.

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Cypher Archives: Cryptic Tomes

Cypher Archives: Cryptic Tomes


Solve cryptograms in the new game, Cypher Archives: Cryptic Tomes!Experience the thrill...




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